Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Dimensions:Diameter: 95 millimetres Height: 45 millimetres
Porcelain tea-bowl. Covered outside with bright pinkish-red rose enamel glaze. Plain porcelain glaze on inside. Inscription on white base. Pair with C520.
![图片[2]-tea-bowl BM-PDF-C.521-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00390396_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF C521Bowl with ruby-pink glazePotters at the imperial kilns formed this bowl with a fine porcelain body. It is covered with a transparent glaze inside and over the blue mark on the base. The outside is covered with ruby-pink glaze which appears mottled, with areas of denser and lighter shades of these attractive colours. Potters blew the pigment onto the porcelains, possibly through a tube with silk gauze over the end to allow for an even but light spread of colour. The colour is low-fired and derives from Western technology, using colloidal gold. It was introduced into China in the late Kangxi reign about AD 1720. The base has a six-character underglaze blue reign mark of the Yongzheng period. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue mark, transparent and pink glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD 1723–1735 PDF C521胭脂紅釉碗 御窯的陶工們用精細的胎料製作這件瓷碗。外底署青花年款,然後在其上和瓷碗內部罩透明釉。瓷碗外壁施吸引人的斑駁胭脂紅釉,色調在不同部位深淺不一。陶工們是用吹釉法將這種釉料吹到瓷胎上的,可能是用尾端罩上絹網的管狀工具,這樣釉色均勻不會很濃重。這種粉色釉低溫燒成,源自西方技術,使用了膠態金,在康熙晚期1720年左右傳入中國。外底署青花六字雍正年款。瓷器,青花款,透明釉,粉色釉(胭脂紅)江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
Dimensions:Diameter: 95 millimetres Height: 45 millimetres
Porcelain tea-bowl. Covered outside with bright pinkish-red rose enamel glaze. Plain porcelain glaze on inside. Inscription on white base. Pair with C520.
![图片[1]-tea-bowl BM-PDF-C.521-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00390395_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-tea-bowl BM-PDF-C.521-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00390396_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF C521Bowl with ruby-pink glazePotters at the imperial kilns formed this bowl with a fine porcelain body. It is covered with a transparent glaze inside and over the blue mark on the base. The outside is covered with ruby-pink glaze which appears mottled, with areas of denser and lighter shades of these attractive colours. Potters blew the pigment onto the porcelains, possibly through a tube with silk gauze over the end to allow for an even but light spread of colour. The colour is low-fired and derives from Western technology, using colloidal gold. It was introduced into China in the late Kangxi reign about AD 1720. The base has a six-character underglaze blue reign mark of the Yongzheng period. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue mark, transparent and pink glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD 1723–1735 PDF C521胭脂紅釉碗 御窯的陶工們用精細的胎料製作這件瓷碗。外底署青花年款,然後在其上和瓷碗內部罩透明釉。瓷碗外壁施吸引人的斑駁胭脂紅釉,色調在不同部位深淺不一。陶工們是用吹釉法將這種釉料吹到瓷胎上的,可能是用尾端罩上絹網的管狀工具,這樣釉色均勻不會很濃重。這種粉色釉低溫燒成,源自西方技術,使用了膠態金,在康熙晚期1720年左右傳入中國。外底署青花六字雍正年款。瓷器,青花款,透明釉,粉色釉(胭脂紅)江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
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