sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859

Period:Tang dynasty Production date:8thC
Materials:bamboo, silk, 竹子 (Chinese), 絲綢 (Chinese), 紙 (Chinese),
Technique:twined (basketry), 绞编 (Chinese),

Dimensions:Length: 43.50 centimetres Width: 27 centimetres

This rectangular sutra wrapper is made of bamboo splints held together by bands of silk with a warp twining method. The warp threads are in pairs of different colours, twined in a S-direction. Tension on the back brings forward one or other of the colours of each pair as needed to form the geometric pattern 0.9-4.2 cm wide for each, with an interval of 1 cm. The Chinese character yin near the edge is formed separately by twining two threads of different colours back and forth. There are three similar wrappers from Dunhuang in the Pelliot collection at the Musée Guimet, Paris, and others, in better condition, at the Shōsō-in, Nara. The warp twining method was also used in the Shang dynasty (16th-11thC BC), and the earliest known existing examples are the woven shoes excavated from the Eastern Zhou dynasty tomb at Langjiazhuang, Linzi, Shandong. The floral pattern on this sutra wrapper is quite splendid and similar in style to the purple damask on plain weave with grape pattern (K.130:14) dating from the high Tang excavated from Cave 130 at the Mogao Grottoes, and the twill damask with grape pattern dating from the mid-Tang period discovered in Reshui, Dulan, Qinghai. Weave structures: Twining warp: silk, Z twisted, single, brown, yellowish brown, beige, light blue, dark blue, green and greyish green etc., 20 ends/cm; Weft: bamboo splint, single, 9 lats/cm. Weave structure: warp twining method. 經帙是包裹並收藏佛經經卷的工具,一般由織物製成或竹篾編制。此經帙長方形,以竹篾爲緯,絲線爲經,採用經絞編組織編成,在編織時以兩根不同顔色的絲線爲一組,互相絞轉,以顯花紋。這種編織方法早在商代已見應用於內地的編織,特別是編履,目前所知最早的實例是山東臨淄郎家莊東周墓出土的編織物。經帙的編法和用法與今天的筆簾十分相似。 編織圖案呈帶狀在經帙表面分佈,共有九條,寬窄相間排列,寬度在0.9-2.4cm不等,每條圖案區之間間隔約1.0cm。圖案爲裝飾風格較濃的花卉紋樣,事實上與敦煌莫高窟K130所出各色綺殘幡上的紫色葡萄紋綺(K130:14)和青海都蘭熱水吐蕃墓中的暈繝葡萄紋綾相一致,這兩件織物的年代分別在盛唐和中唐之際。在經帙一角編有一褐色方塊,內以米色絲線編出一“陰”字,可能是此經帙的編號。在法國巴黎集美博物館伯希和收藏品中也有三件相似的絞編經帙,另外在日本奈良正倉院也有類似的收藏品。 組織結構: 經線:絲,Z撚,單根排列,褐、米、土黃、淺藍、深藍、灰綠、綠等色,20根/cm;緯線:竹,單根排列,9根/cm;組織:絞編組織。
图片[1]-sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859-China Archive 图片[2]-sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859-China Archive 图片[3]-sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859-China Archive 图片[4]-sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859-China Archive 图片[5]-sutra-wrapper; 經帙(Chinese) BM-MAS.859-China Archive

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