stem cup BM-1938-0712.2

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1436-1464
Technique:glazed, underglazed,
Subjects:insect landscape
Dimensions:Diameter: 7.10 centimetres Height: 9.20 centimetres

Porcelain stem cup with underglaze blue decoration. Following the same form as BM 1940.1214.261, this stem cup has a bowl with deep rounded sides, an everted rim, a straight stem shaft with a raised horizontal rib, flared stepped foot with a hollowed-out stem and an unglazed foot ring. It is painted sketchily in underglaze blue with a butterfly in a medallion inside, and outside with a continuous landscape showing a bearded man, raising one arm, on one side and another, stooping and carrying a crook under his arm, on the other side. The edges of the scene, join of stem to bowl, rib and foot are all highlighted with double lines.
图片[1]-stem cup BM-1938-0712.2-China Archive

Comments:Harrison-Hall 2001:A portion of a bowl decorated in a similar style with a windswept figure in a landscape was dug up in a kiln site in the Hutian area. Far fewer Interregnum porcelains were made with figural designs than with plant and fruit motifs. The butterfly inside the cup evokes the well-known Daoist riddle recorded by Zhuang Zhou (c. 399-295 BC) in the ‘Zhuangzi’ [Writings of Zhuang]. A man wakes from a dream and wonders whether he was a man dreaming he was a butterfly or is now a butterfly dreaming that he is a man.
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