Yuan Shizu’s Empress

Yuan Shizu’s Empress

  • Image Number: C2A000325N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 61.5×48
  • Description:
    Four imperial concubines of the Yuan Dynasty wore the Gugu crown (also known as aunt crown), which was translated from Mongolian. Generally, the cylinder is surrounded by two pieces of birch bark, wrapped in red silk, decorated with beads, and the crown top is inserted with male tail. The edge of the robe brocade was made of gold brocade in the Islamic style of “Nashichu”, which was used by the Yuan Dynasty emperor. It is known that the workshop was located in Dadu (today’s Beijing). The imperial palace appearance painting of the Yuan Dynasty was a combination of the Central Plains tradition and the foreign style. Its facial features and clothing details were expressed in such ways as concave and convex rendering, eyebrow and wrinkle lines. The clothing patterns changed slightly in thickness, and the characters were vivid and vivid, regardless of the traditional painting techniques. Some lines can still be modified. It is judged that this volume of emperor’s rear bust may have the function of manuscript.

元代后半身像 冊 元世祖后;元順宗后

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