Thousand-character Essay in Cursive Script

Thousand-character Essay in Cursive Script

  • Image Number: K2B000161N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 趙雍
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    Zhao Yong (129O~about 1362), with the word Zhongmu, was born in Wuxing, Zhejiang Province. He studied, wrote and painted with his father Zhao Mengfu when he was young. He can write all kinds of calligraphy. The cursive script can pass on the Xu family’s learning. It is said that he once wrote for his father, but the third one has no different order. This volume of cursive script was written in the second year of Zhizheng (1342), when it was more than 50 years old. The strokes were full of rhyme. The waves were sharp and did not win with strength. It had a kind of introverted temperament. Although Zhao Yong loved calligraphy and painting, he did not open his official career. He was appointed official to Tongzhi Huzhou Road to take charge of the government affairs.

元趙雍草書千文 冊 01

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