print BM-1848-0205.521

Period:Unknown Production date:1770
Technique:etching, engraving,
Subjects:battle tent/encampment prisoner
Dimensions:Height: 573 millimetres (plate-mark`) Width: 928 millimetres (trimmed to plate-mark)

Plate 3 from a set of sixteen plates; the Qing general Zhaohui surprises Daši-Cärän at Oroï-Jalatu in 1756; in the foreground, Qing troops attack the enemy, some half-clothed, others still in their tents or yurts; in the middle ground Qing soldiers take prisoners and livestock; further away to left an encampment has been penetrated by Qing soldiers, some with torches, and to right, Qing cavalry gallop towards another cluster of tents and yurts; mountainous landscape in the distance. 1770 Etching and engraving
图片[1]-print BM-1848-0205.521-China Archive

Comments:Plate 3 is often titled in modern literature: 鄂壘扎拉圖之戰 [Eleizhalatu zhi zhan]; The Battle of Oroï-Jalatu; Le combat d’Oroï-Jalatu. None of the plates in the original edition was ever lettered with a title.The print shows a surprise attack in 1756 led by a Qing general against Zunghar Mongols.According to Pirazzoli-T’Serstevens (1969), it is after a drawing by Giuseppe Castiglione.This print is from a complete set (1848,0205.517 to 532 )of the sixteen plates known as ‘Victoires et Conquêtes de l’Empereur de la Chine’ commemorating the Qianlong Emperor’s victories in Central Asia from 1755 to1759. They are in a volume half-bound in leather with marbled boards, with gold tooling and ‘CHINESE BATTLES’ on the spine. There is also an incomplete set of fifteen prints (1932,0715.46 to 59, including 48*). For another state of this plate, without lettering, see 1932,0715.49.For further information, see the Curator’s Comment for 1932,0715.57.
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