plectrum(?); thumb-ring(?) BM-2022-3034.163

Period:Warring States period Production date:5thC BC – 2ndC BC
Technique:incised, polished,
Subjects:mammal (tiger?)
Dimensions:Length: 3.50 centimetres Width: 2 centimetres

Plectrum of white translucent jade with brown surface area polished to a very high gloss. The curved oblong plectrum one end rounded finely incised with double-line hooked curls and one central cross-hatched area with the reverse decorated with inter-locking T-scrolls. A flat tabular extension of the plectrum denotes a regardant tiger with open jaws, arched body and raised haunches. A small centred perforation is between the extension and curved area of the plectrum.
图片[1]-plectrum(?); thumb-ring(?) BM-2022-3034.163-China Archive

Comments:Warring States Period. Height 37mm. See Stanford 1958, and Rawson 1995, p.288, This small jade has sometimes been described as a plectrum because it is curved. However, the central hole and generally oval shape suggests that is belongs to the wide category of pendants based on the thumb ring. At one end is a small standing feline, exquisitely carved in the round, with its head turned back to look over its shoulders. The animal is embellished with fine incised lines. The shape of the animal and its execution resemble those of a small feline on a belt ornament from Henan Hui xian Guweicun. The whole piece is polished to a high gloss in the manner of jades said to come from Jincun near Luoyang.
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