pilgrim flask BM-PDF-A.733

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:underglazed, painted,

Dimensions:Height: 182 millimetres Width: 145 millimetres

Porcelain moon flask (baoyue ping) with two cloud-shaped handles. Decorated in doucai style with underglaze blue outlines and washes and overglaze red, green and pale aubergine enamels. The design is of a flowering peach branch overhanging a stream, with iron red blossoms. Mark on neck.
图片[1]-pilgrim flask BM-PDF-A.733-China Archive 图片[2]-pilgrim flask BM-PDF-A.733-China Archive 图片[3]-pilgrim flask BM-PDF-A.733-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF A733 Doucai flask with flowering peach branchAlthough the shape of this ‘moon’ flask with flattened round body, tubular neck and cloud scroll handles is centuries old, referring to the porcelain bian hu first made at Jingdezhen for the Yongle emperor (AD1403—24) (see case 56), the decoration in terms of palette and technical skill is an innovation of the Yongzheng reign but echoes the doucai style of the Chenghua era. The detail used in the painting is remarkable, reflecting both the court commissioning of this piece and the supervision of its manufacture at the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen. The neck carries an underglaze blue six-character apocryphal Chenghua mark. Porcelain with underglaze blue and overglaze enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng period, AD1723–35 PDF A733鬥彩花開桃枝紋瓶這件瓷瓶形似圓月(寶月瓶、抱月瓶),扁圓形腹,筒形頸,卷雲形耳,類似器形已有數世紀的歷史,最早是景德鎮為明代永樂皇帝(1403-1424年在位)製造的扁壺。不過就所用色彩和工藝技術而言,其裝飾卻是雍正朝的創新,和明代成化的鬥彩風格相呼應。瓷器上繪畫所用的細節令人稱道,反映這件瓷器是宮廷令燒的,而且其在景德鎮御窯的生產也受到監督。頸部署青花六字成化寄託年款。瓷器,青花,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,1723-1735年
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