mask; fitting BM-2022-3034.162

Period:Warring States period Production date:5thC BC – 2ndC BC
Technique:bevelled, polished, incised, pierced,
Subjects:wild cat/big cat mask
Dimensions:Height: 2.60 centimetres Width: 3.20 centimetres

Feline mask fitting of translucent yellow jade with brown mottling finished to a good polish.
图片[1]-mask; fitting BM-2022-3034.162-China Archive

Comments:This very naturalistic representation of a tiger’s head with eyes, ridged rose and upturned ears in relief is decorated with a striated band above the forehead. On the plain flat back is a central groove with small perforations through the sides and top for attachment. Late Eastern Zhou/Warring States. Width 29mm height 25mm. See Stanford 1958, Rawson 1995, p.277,, Salmony 1963, Sewell 1970, Na Zhiliang 1982, and Eskenazi 1985. Eastern Zhou or early Han dynasty, 3rdC BC-2ndC BC. This tiger-like creature faces forward, its eyes staring out below heavy modelled brows Nose, jaw and upturned ears are also shown in high relief. The rounded surface is further embellished with bevelled and incised lines, and there is a striated band above the forehead. The reverse is flat and is pierced with a central groove and small perforations through the sides and the top for attachment. Similar heads appear as part of composite jades that make up two belt hooks mounted on iron bars in the Winthrop Collection, Harvard University. A much more elaborate form of this head appears on the belt hook from the tomb of the King of Nan Yue at Canton. A comparable feline face, mounted in bronze, was found in the Han tombs at Hebei Mancheng.
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