jar; cover BM-PDF.795

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1573-1620
Technique:incised, glazed, painted, underglazed,

Dimensions:Height: 173 millimetres

Ovoid porcelain jar with wide mouth, short straight neck, and domed cover. There is a five-clawed dragon and phoenix among prunus scrolls with ornamental borders incised and painted with yellow enamel on a green enamel ground on the interior, a dragon incised and painted on the top of the cover, and flames and blossoms around the sides of the cover. There is a mark in underglaze blue on the base.
图片[1]-jar; cover BM-PDF.795-China Archive 图片[2]-jar; cover BM-PDF.795-China Archive 图片[3]-jar; cover BM-PDF.795-China Archive 图片[4]-jar; cover BM-PDF.795-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Wanli 1573-1620 Room 95 label text:PDF 795 Jar and cover with dragons and phoenixPotters incised the unglazed but biscuit-fired porcelain body of the jar with a five-clawed dragon on one side, and on the cover, and a phoenix with a five-feathered tail on the other side, both among flowering plants. They applied a high-fired transparent glaze on the inside and on the base, over an underglaze blue mark. The colours, first yellow, then green, were then added to the biscuit-fired body rather than over a glaze. We know the order of their application because the green overlaps the yellow at the edges of the motifs. Although potters first experimented with this colour combination nearly two hundred years earlier in the Yongle period (AD1403–24), the absence of a base coating of glaze, is innovative.Porcelain, incised, with underglaze cobalt-blue mark, and yellow and green glazes on the biscuitJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Wanli mark and period, AD1573–1620 PDF 795龍鳳紋蓋罐此蓋罐罐身一側及蓋面均於素燒瓷胎上刻劃五爪龍紋,罐身另一側飾五尾鳳穿花圖案。器身內部及器底青花款識上施高溫透明釉。黃彩、綠彩依次添繪於素燒瓷胎而非釉上。我們能夠得知這一施彩次序是由於綠彩遮蓋了黃彩圖案的邊緣。儘管這一色彩組合首次試驗性使用是在近二百年前的永樂時期(1403-1424年),瓷胎上不施底釉仍然是具有創新性的。瓷器,劃花,青花款,素燒胎黃、綠彩江西省景德鎮明代,萬曆,萬曆款,1573-1620年
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