jar BM-PDF-A.200

Period:Jin dynasty Production date:3rdC-4thC

Dimensions:Diameter: 172 millimetres Height: 126 millimetres

Yue stoneware jar with two simple lugs on each side of shoulder, and two sprig-moulded seated Buddha figures in between, applied over rouletted diaper band. The jar has a fine grey body covered on the interior and over two thirds of the exterior with thin olive green glaze.
图片[1]-jar BM-PDF-A.200-China Archive 图片[2]-jar BM-PDF-A.200-China Archive 图片[3]-jar BM-PDF-A.200-China Archive 图片[4]-jar BM-PDF-A.200-China Archive 图片[5]-jar BM-PDF-A.200-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Western Jin dynasty 3rd-early 4th century Room 95 label text:PDF A200Jar with two seated Buddha figuresThis jar carries a very early Chinese representation of the Buddha on either side of the jar. Buddhism was introduced to China from India and by the first century AD was rapidly gaining popularity among the Chinese people who readily adapted the teachings of Buddha to sit alongside their own indigenous religions and philosophies. Stonewares made in this region of northern Zhejiang province are characterised by a dark clay body and thin yellowish-green glaze. Potters achieved this glaze colour by using a mixture of wood ash and clay. They then fired these wares in ‘dragon kilns’ which were built following the natural undulating curves of the hillsides.Stoneware with incised and applied decoration and pale olive-green glaze Yue ware 越窯Shanglinhu kilns, Zhejiang province 浙江省, 上林湖窯Western Jin dynasty, AD 265–316 PDF A200貼花坐佛罐此罐兩側有早期中國式樣佛造像裝飾。佛像於西元一世紀由印度傳入中國,因其教義通俗易懂,迅速在中國民眾中獲得流行,可與本土宗教和哲學比肩。今浙江省北部地區生產的炻器,以深色胎、黃綠色薄釉為特色。這種釉色的形成是因為混合了草木灰和黏土。器物在沿山勢自然起伏而建造的龍窯中燒造。炻器,劃花,貼花,淺橄欖綠色釉越窯浙江省上林湖窯西晉,265-316年
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