incense-burner BM-PDF.64

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1700-1773

Dimensions:Diameter: 95 millimetres (mouth) Diameter: 109 millimetres Height: 65 millimetres

Stoneware incense burner with depressed globular body, short cylindrical neck, two loop handles and three short legs. The incense burner has opaque greenish-grey glaze on body with even crackle stained brown on exterior. There is an inscription on the base.
图片[1]-incense-burner BM-PDF.64-China Archive 图片[2]-incense-burner BM-PDF.64-China Archive 图片[3]-incense-burner BM-PDF.64-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song dynasty or later Room 95 label text:PDF 64Incense burner with guan-type glaze and inscriptionThis incense burner is delicately potted and stands on three legs. Its form derives from ancient Chinese bronzes. 官 (guan ‘official’) celadon glaze was invented in the Southern Song dynasty (AD 1127–1279) and much copied in the Qing dynasty. This example has a Qianlong inscription on the base which reads: 質堅色滋潤,三足鐵釘承。乳突疑流汗,耳沖可繫繩。千年火氣泯,一縷篆煙凝。底用叁鼻觀,居然入定僧。 乾隆癸巳季旾御題 (zhi jian se zi run, san zu tie ding cheng; ru tu yi liu han, er chong ke ji sheng; qian nian huo qi ming, yi lv zhuan yan ning; di yong san bi guan, ju ran ru ding seng . Qianlong guisi ji chun yuti ‘The ware is solid and of surface sleek.With three supporting feet. ‘the iron nails’, With springing nipples rich with promised milk, And pierced ears through which a cord might pass. Its kiln-gloss of an age remote has gone, With curling steam of incense smoke condensed, Alas! What boots it to easy fragrance to recapture, When like a Buddhist monk. It broods in contemplation lost? Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the third spring month of the cyclical year guisi (AD 1773).’) The seals at the end read: 古香 (guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’ and 太璞 (taipu ‘supreme simplicity’).Stoneware with guan-type crackled glaze Guan-type wareProbably Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮 Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1800 PDF 64仿官釉刻乾隆御制詩香爐香爐以三足承托器身,製作精良。器形源於遠古青銅器,青釉釉色仿南宋(1127-1279年)官窯,清宮曾大量仿燒。器底刻乾隆御制詩:“質堅色滋潤,三足鐵釘承。乳突疑流汗,耳沖可繫繩。千年火氣泯,一縷篆煙凝。底用三鼻觀,居然入定僧。 乾隆癸巳季旾御題。”意為:此器釉質堅致釉面光滑,三足如鐵釘般承托器身。乳丁狀器足仿似釉面垂流而成。沖耳正可穿繩提起。出窯時的火氣已隨時間消退,篆香煙痕也早就凝固。唉,怎樣才可以輕易捕捉香氣。仿佛一入定僧人,沉浸在冥思中。乾隆皇帝作于癸巳年(1773年)季春月。詩尾附“古香”(古物之芬芳)、“太璞”(極端之樸素)印兩方。炻器,仿官釉開片仿官窯器可能是江西省景德鎮清代,約1700-1800年
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