Period:Qing dynasty Production date:19thC
Dimensions:Height: 80 millimetres Width: 147 millimetres Depth: 118 millimetres
Porcelain incense burner in the form of an archaic bronze ‘gui’. The incense burner has a white body covered with a white porcelain glaze, and the well is only partially glazed. There is a small firing crack in the base.
![图片[2]-incense-burner BM-PDF.499-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00370558_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 499Incense burner modelled after bronze ‘gui’ Dehua wares of the period AD 1600–1911 are typified by figures and vessels with a granular sugary white body and either a blue tinged or creamy white glaze. The pure whiteness of these ceramics is due to the relative absence of iron impurities in the body – indeed the clay used contains only half a percent of ferric oxide. Body and glaze fuse perfectly in the firing. Plain white porcelains from the Dehua kilns in Fujian, south-eastern China are known in the West by the nineteenth-century French connoisseurs’ term Blanc de Chine. On the base is a seal mark which has been read尊 古接 簡 (Zun gu jie jian ‘following ancient tradition’).Porcelain with transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF 499白釉簋式香爐1600年至1911年間的德化器物以器皿和各類塑像為特色,其胎體潔白,質如極細沙,釉色閃青或呈奶油白色。鐵元素的顯著降低使得器物呈色更為白淨,事實上胎土的氧化鐵含量僅有0.5%。此器胎釉完美地熔融結合在一起。中國東南部福建德化窯生產的素白瓷,在西方以十九世紀法國鑒賞家所用的“中國白”一詞而聞名。 此爐外底有印款“尊古接簡”(意為遵循古代之傳統)。瓷器,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
Dimensions:Height: 80 millimetres Width: 147 millimetres Depth: 118 millimetres
Porcelain incense burner in the form of an archaic bronze ‘gui’. The incense burner has a white body covered with a white porcelain glaze, and the well is only partially glazed. There is a small firing crack in the base.
![图片[1]-incense-burner BM-PDF.499-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00370555_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-incense-burner BM-PDF.499-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00370558_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 499Incense burner modelled after bronze ‘gui’ Dehua wares of the period AD 1600–1911 are typified by figures and vessels with a granular sugary white body and either a blue tinged or creamy white glaze. The pure whiteness of these ceramics is due to the relative absence of iron impurities in the body – indeed the clay used contains only half a percent of ferric oxide. Body and glaze fuse perfectly in the firing. Plain white porcelains from the Dehua kilns in Fujian, south-eastern China are known in the West by the nineteenth-century French connoisseurs’ term Blanc de Chine. On the base is a seal mark which has been read尊 古接 簡 (Zun gu jie jian ‘following ancient tradition’).Porcelain with transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF 499白釉簋式香爐1600年至1911年間的德化器物以器皿和各類塑像為特色,其胎體潔白,質如極細沙,釉色閃青或呈奶油白色。鐵元素的顯著降低使得器物呈色更為白淨,事實上胎土的氧化鐵含量僅有0.5%。此器胎釉完美地熔融結合在一起。中國東南部福建德化窯生產的素白瓷,在西方以十九世紀法國鑒賞家所用的“中國白”一詞而聞名。 此爐外底有印款“尊古接簡”(意為遵循古代之傳統)。瓷器,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
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