head-rest BM-PDF.2

Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:1000-1127 (about)

Dimensions:Height: 138 millimetres Width: 296 millimetres Depth: 215 millimetres

Jun stoneware head-rest in the shape of a ruyi with tall sides and a flat base. The head-rest has thick, opalescent lavender-blue glaze. There is an inscription on the base, which is unglazed.
图片[1]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive 图片[2]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive 图片[3]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive 图片[4]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive 图片[5]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive 图片[6]-head-rest BM-PDF.2-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song 11th-12th cent Room 95 label text: PDF 2Jun ware head-rest with inscriptionThe pillow is in the form of an auspicious ruyi cloud with a blue opalescent glaze. On the base it is inscribed with a long incised and gilded inscriptionwhich reads: 過雨天青色,八牋早注明,睡醒総如意,流石漫相評,晏起吾原戒,華祛此最清,陶人具深喻, 厝火積薪成乾隆辛丑禦題 [Guoyu tian qingse, Ba jian zao zhuming, shuixing zong ruyi, liushi man xiangping, yanqi wu yuanjie, hua qu ci zui qing, taoren ju shenyu, cuohuo ji xin cheng, Qianlong xinchou yuti ‘Its colour is the blue of the sky after rain. Just as it was described by the ancient Bajian.The shape of the ruyi pillow gives much pleasure whether one is asleep or awake.There will always be much discussion of a work of art, but the thing one must guard against is the temptation to sleep late. Pre-eminently (the pillow) demonstrates the genius of the potter, in producing such artistic design, and in controlling the firing so successfully.Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the cyclical year xinchou [AD 1781]’] A seal at the end of the inscription reads 幾暇怡情 (jixia yiqing ‘Clearing the mind after the myriad of state affairs’). Stoneware with opalescent blue glaze, incised and gilded inscriptionJun ware鈞窯Yuxian, Henan province 河南省, 禹縣Northern Song dynasty, about AD 1000–1127 PDF 2鈞釉刻乾隆御制詩枕瓷枕呈如意雲頭形,施蓝色乳濁釉。底部刻詩文後填金:“過雨天青色,《八箋》早注明。睡醒総如意,流石漫相評。晏起吾原戒,華祛此最清。陶人具深喻,厝火積薪成。乾隆辛丑御題。”其大意為:瓷枕的釉色正如《遵生八箋》的記載,為雨過天青之色。如意形的瓷枕能夠在清醒與入睡之時都帶來愉悅。關於一件藝術品總有諸多評論,但人必須抵御晚起的誘惑。瓷枕富於美感的設計及燒造時對火候的成功把握,展現了陶工的傑出技藝。乾隆皇帝作于辛丑年(1781年)。詩尾有刻印,印文為“幾暇怡情”,意為“在繁雜的國事之餘澄淨心靈”。炻器,乳濁藍釉,填金刻銘鈞窯河南省禹縣(今禹州市)北宋,約1000-1127年
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