flower-pot BM-PDF.33

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1435

Dimensions:Diameter: 141 millimetres (base) Diameter: 273 millimetres Height: 191 millimetres

Official Jun stoneware flower pot with six lobes, flattened mouthrim with narrow raised band at the edge, and high flaring sides. The flower pot has thick opalescent purple glaze passing into crimson with bluish suffusions. There is an inscription on the base, and six round drainage holes, which have been filled with clay.
图片[1]-flower-pot BM-PDF.33-China Archive 图片[2]-flower-pot BM-PDF.33-China Archive 图片[3]-flower-pot BM-PDF.33-China Archive 图片[4]-flower-pot BM-PDF.33-China Archive 图片[5]-flower-pot BM-PDF.33-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Yuan 13th-14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 33Lobed flower pot with drainage holesThis Jun ware flower pot is incised with the number 二 (er ‘two’) on the base. Many scholars have changed their views on the dating of these ‘Official’ Jun wares, which were once all credited to the Northern Song dynasty. This attribution appears in Qing dynasty works such as Lan Pu’s (fl. 1815) 景德鎮陶錄 (Jingdezhen Tao Lu ‘Account of Ceramics at Jingdezhen’) and persisted until the late 1990s. In part, the attribution was based on linking sherds of ‘Official’ Jun wares found at Juntai to a surface find at the same place of an inscribed mould for late Northern Song coins. Further research now suggests this mould is unlikely to be of the period. Henan Archaeology Institute’s 2004 excavations, Shanghai Museum’s thermoluminescence tests and Shenzhen Municipal Institute of Archaeology’s seminar propose dates ranging from the fourteenth to early fifteenth century for ‘Official’ Jun ware. Stoneware body covered in blue and purple glazes with olive-green on the baseOfficial Jun ware官鈞窯Juntai, Yuxian, Henan province 河南省, 禹縣, 鈞台Ming dynasty, about AD 1368–1435 PDF33葵花式帶排水孔花盆鈞窯花盆底部刻數目字“二”。學者們曾經普遍持有官鈞類器物燒造於北宋的觀點,而現在則有所改變。這種論點最早出現在藍浦所撰《景德鎮陶錄》(成書於1815年)中,並一直持續到20世紀90年代晚期。此觀點的重要依據是在鈞台曾發掘出一批官鈞窯殘片,同時出土的還有一個北宋晚期錢範。最新的研究認為這個錢範並非屬於這一時期。河南考古研究院2004年的發掘、上海博物館的熱釋光測試以及深圳市考古所舉辦的研討會都表明,官鈞類器物應燒造於14至15世紀早期。炻胎,施藍色及紫色釉,底部為橄欖綠色釉官鈞窯河南省禹縣(今禹州市)鈞台明代,約1368-1435年
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