flower-pot BM-PDF.96

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1368-1435

Dimensions:Height: 149 millimetres Width: 99 millimetres (base) Width: 205 millimetres (mouth) Width: 205 millimetres Depth: 136 millimetres (base) Depth: 165 millimetres (mouth)

Quadrangular Official Jun stoneware flower-pot with fluted corners, sloping sides and four cloud-shaped feet. The flower-pot has opalescent blue glaze on the interior base and lower walls, purple on the upper interior walls and rim, and a purple glazed exterior. There is an inscription and five drainage holes on the base, which is glazed.
图片[1]-flower-pot BM-PDF.96-China Archive 图片[2]-flower-pot BM-PDF.96-China Archive 图片[3]-flower-pot BM-PDF.96-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Jin-Yuan 13th-14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 96 Rectangular flower pot This rectangular numbered Jun flower pot has four cloud-shaped feet. It is very rare for both the pot and matching stand (PDF 97) to survive and both are inscribed 十 shi, meaning ten, on the base. Song Xu 宋詡 was the first scholar to mention Jun wares in AD1504 in《宋氏家規部》 (Song shi jia guibu ‘ Song family customs’). Later Ming writers mention Jun wares frequently in the literature of connoisseurship. Interestingly, however, unlike Song wares they are not described as items from another era in these works, suggesting perhaps that they were not antiques when the texts were compiled.Stoneware body covered in blue and purple glazes with olive-green on base Numbered or Official Jun ware官鈞窯Juntai, Yuxian, Henan province 河南省, 禹縣, 鈞台Ming dynasty, about AD 1368–1435 PDF 96長方形花盆此刻數字鈞窯花盆呈長方形,以四個雲頭形足承托器身。存世官鈞窯器物中,如此件花盆及盆托(PDF97)可配對者在傳世品中十分罕見。兩者器底均刻有數目字“十”。1504年,學者宋詡所撰《宋氏家規部》首次提到了鈞窯器,而後,晚明學者在其鑒賞類著作中開始頻繁提及鈞窯器。然而頗為有趣的是,在這些著作中,鈞窯器物並非像其他宋代器物那樣被單獨劃分出來,這也許表明在編寫這些著作之時,鈞窯器物還並非古董。炻胎,施藍色及紫色釉,底部為橄欖綠色釉官鈞窯或帶數字鈞窯河南省禹縣(今禹州市)鈞台明代,約1368-1435年
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