flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1368-1435

Dimensions:Height: 135 millimetres Width: 216 millimetres Depth: 139 millimetres

Jun stoneware hexagonal flower-pot with six cloud-shaped feet. The flower-pot has a grey-brown body with sky blue glaze on interior and purple glaze with blue-grey suffusions and earth worm marks on exterior and rim. There is a Chinese numeral, qi (seven) impressed on the base. There are seven holes and seventeen small spur marks on the base. Pair with A10.
图片[1]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive 图片[2]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive 图片[3]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive 图片[4]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive 图片[5]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive 图片[6]-flower-pot BM-PDF-A.9-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Jin-Yuan 13th-14th century Room 95 label text:PDF A9 Hexagonal flower-pot , inscribed 七 (qi ‘seven’) on the base.Potters made ‘official’ Jun wares in Juntai, Yuxian, Henan province from about AD 1368 to1435. They are also called ‘numbered’ Jun wares as they bear Chinese numbers incised on their bases. These numbers appear to refer to the size of the vessel, and range from one to ten. Vessel forms are limited to flower pots with and without saucers, shallow bulb bowls with studs, and bronze-inspired vases. There are also tablewares such as dishes and stem cups of this ‘official’ quality and date which bear no numbers. Stoneware body covered in blue and purple glazes with olive-green on the base, ground mouth-rimNumbered or Official Jun ware官鈞窯Juntai, Yuxian, Henan province 河南省, 禹縣, 鈞台Ming dynasty, about AD 1368–1435 PDF A9六方花盆(外底刻“七”)鈞台窯位於河南省禹縣(今禹州市),燒造官鈞窯器物的時間約為明代早期(1368-1435年)。由於器底刻有中文數字,官鈞窯器物也被稱作“數字鈞窯”。這些數字自一到十,似為代表器物尺寸。器物的器形僅限於帶托或不帶托的花盆、帶鼓釘的淺球莖花盆(水仙盆),以及仿青銅器形瓶。也有一些餐飲用器如盤及高足杯,和官鈞器品質、時代相同,但不刻數字。炻器,施藍色及紫色釉,外底為橄欖綠色釉,磨口官鈞窯或帶數字鈞窯河南省禹縣(今禹州市)鈞台明代,約1368-1435年
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