flask BM-PDF.824

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Height: 293 millimetres

Bottle-shaped flask with flattened globular body and short narrow cylindrical neck with two cloud scroll handles joining neck and shoulder. The flask has a fine white body and slightly undulating ‘chicken skin’ glaze. There is a bird in a flowering tree in ‘famille rose’ palette enamel on the exterior.
图片[1]-flask BM-PDF.824-China Archive 图片[2]-flask BM-PDF.824-China Archive 图片[3]-flask BM-PDF.824-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF 824 Moon-shaped flask with birdsAlthough the shape of this moon flask with flattened round body, tubular neck and cloud scroll handles is centuries old, referring to the porcelain bian hu first made at Jingdezhen for the Yongle emperor (AD1403—24) (see case 56), the decoration in terms of palette and technical skill is an innovation of the Yongzheng reign. On this fencai (powdered colours) flask on one side, two白頭翁bai tou weng (literally white-headed old man) birds are shown on the branches of a white and pink flowering branch, and on the other side a pair of white birds are shown perched in a different type of blossoming tree with a pair of butterflies fluttering above blue and purple asters. The detail used in the painting is remarkable, reflecting both the court commissioning of this piece and the supervision of its manufacture at the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen. Each group of naturalistic leaves is composed of up to four different shades of green and the shading on the blossoms is extraordinarily well defined. New colours include a blue enamel for the aster which replaced underglaze blue; a white enamel for the birds’ wings and puce for the birds’ legs and beaks. The birds are a rebus (visual pun) for 白頭富貴bai tou fu gui (white haired (in old age) (may you enjoy) riches and honour). The base carries an underglaze blue six-character Yongzheng seal mark. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue and opaque fencai enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng seal mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF 824鳥紋抱月瓶此瓶扁圓形器身、筒形頸、卷雲形耳,造型首創於幾世紀前永樂時期(1403-1424年)的景德鎮(參見56號展櫃),而釉彩裝飾和燒造工藝卻是雍正時期的新創舉。瓶身一面以粉彩繪兩隻白頭翁棲于盛放的白色與粉色花枝上,另一面一對白鳥棲於不同品種花枝之上,並伴有一對蝴蝶飛舞於藍色與紫色雛菊叢上。畫面細節描繪技藝非凡,反映了景德鎮官窯奉旨督造的傑出品質。每組自然寫實的葉片均以深淺不同的多達四層綠色來描繪,花瓣也經過精心渲染。新的釉彩開始使用,如描繪雛菊的釉上藍彩取代了釉下青花,以及鳥翅上的白彩、鳥喙及鳥腿使用的褐彩。白頭翁寓意白頭富貴(意為富有與尊貴延續至白首)。器底署青花六字篆書雍正款。瓷器,青花,不透明粉彩.江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正篆書款,1723-1735年
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