ewer BM-PDF-A.426

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1424
Technique:glazed, incised,

Dimensions:Height: 195 millimetres Width: 178 millimetres Depth: 140 millimetres

Porcelain ‘monk’s cap’ ewer. The ewer has a white body and transparent grey-toned glaze. There are lotus scrolls incised on the exterior, Eight Buddhist Emblems around the body, and Ruyi motif on the handle. The base is unglazed.
图片[1]-ewer BM-PDF-A.426-China Archive 图片[2]-ewer BM-PDF-A.426-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Yongle 1403-1424 Room 95 label text:PDF A426 Monk’s cap ewer with ‘sweet white’ glazePatronage of the Yongle emperor stimulated the creation of some of the finest white porcelains ever made with a unique lustrous quality. This ewer is incised and covered with a 甜白(tianbai ‘sweet-white’) glaze. Potters were able to fire tianbai porcelains at a higher temperature as they have a higher proportion of kaolin in the clay than earlier white wares and a reduced amount of limestone in the glaze. Ewers of this shape are known as a 僧帽壺 (sengmao hu ‘monk’s cap ewer’) (case 61). The Yongle emperor ordered the ewers for Buddhist ceremonies to mourn his parents. The ewer has a Tibetan prayer incised around the middle.Porcelain with incised decoration and transparent glaze Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD1403–1424 PDF A426 甜白釉僧帽壺永樂皇帝的重視支持,使得其在位期間創燒出了最高品質的白瓷,瑩潤的釉質獨一無二。此壺施甜白釉,器身有刻劃花裝飾。通過提高胎料配方中高嶺土的比例(高於早期白釉器物)以及降低釉料中的石灰成分,此一時期的陶工們得以採用更高的窯溫,成功燒造甜白瓷。此種造型的執壺又稱僧帽壺(參見61號展櫃)。永樂皇帝燒造這種僧帽壺是用於紀念其父母的佛教儀式上。瓷器,劃花,透明釉江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403-1424年
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