drawing; 圖畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.73.1

Period:Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Production date:926-975 (circa)
Materials:paper, 紙 (Chinese),
Technique:drawn, 手繪的 (Chinese),
Subjects:buddha 佛 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 32.50 centimetres Width: 26.50 centimetres

Drawing of a Buddha, with a similar but larger design than that in 1919,0101,0.73.2, which was used as a stencil. Ink on paper with pricked outlines from the design on the other side.
图片[1]-drawing; 圖畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.73.1-China Archive 图片[2]-drawing; 圖畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.73.1-China Archive

Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1983:Both sides of the paper have been used in this case. The design shown in the colour plate was not actually used to make the stencil, perhaps because the Buddha was drawn slightly too big so that the lotus seat and the top of the canopy went beyond the edges of the paper. The design on the other side (Fig. 139) is slightly smaller, and this is the design that can be seen as a pricked outline in the colour plate. What can also be seen on the side that was used is the discolouration of the surface through repeated applications of the powder used to transfer the design to the wall surface. As a result the drawing on the unused side looks very much fresher, although it must in fact have been drawn first.As mentioned in the discussion of the previous plate, this stencil was used for the production of multiple images of the Buddha such as are seen in Cave 61. As such it is about half the height of Stein painting 72 (Pl. 78) and could have been used in conjunction with it or another similar stencil for a larger group in the middle of a wall or ceiling. Such sets of stencils must have been used from a very early time at Dunhuang; their use has been discussed in an article by Eiichi Matsumoto (1950). ChineseFrom Whitfield 1983:此紙樣正反兩面都畫著像,彩色圖版所展示的那一面像,可能實際上並未被當作樣本使用。大概是因像畫得稍微大些,華蓋與蓮花座越出了邊。背面的圖案(參見Fig.139)較此略小,彩色圖版上所見的針孔便是仿照那幅像刺的。背面的像粘了粉末,好像多次在壁面上複寫過,紙色已經改變。因而沒被使用過的彩色圖版上的那一面,儘管實際上是先畫上去的,但看起來樣子卻更鮮豔。上图解说中涉及到的,此种紙樣,是被用于製作類似第61窟中所见的許多佛像反復出現的那種千佛的壁畫。尺寸大约不到斯坦因繪畫72(圖78)的一半,此纸样,可能是在壁面或天花板的中央部位,在其周圍描畫千佛時使用的。那样將幾種紙樣組合在一起的做法,敦煌可能在非常早的時候就開始了。松本榮一博士曾就那種使用紙樣的壁畫發表過論文(參見「かたにょる造像」『美術研究』156號,1950年)。
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