dish BM-PDF.116

Period:Jin dynasty Production date:1050-1234
Materials:porcelain, copper,

Dimensions:Diameter: 212 millimetres Height: 25 millimetres

Ding porcelain dish, with copper-bound mouth rim. Creamy white. There is a dragon amongst clouds in the centre, with a classic scroll on the interior rim. There is an inscription on the base.
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Comments:Published PDF date : 12thC Room 95 label text:PDF 116Dish with copper–bound mouth rimThe base and foot of both are glazed. Between AD 1086 and AD 1127, Ding potters pioneered the technique of fushao (firing a vessel upside down on its rim). Kiln managers saved on fuel by firing a greater number of pots at one time, stacking them in stepped saggars. The disadvantage was the unglazed mouth rim, cleaned free of glaze to avoid the vessel sticking to the saggar. Craftsmen used sheet copper and occasionally gold or silver, cut to size and heated to fit the rims to hide this flaw. Historical accounts suggest that dressing the rim with metal actually enhanced the status of the clay vessel. The incised inscription on base reads奉華 (feng hua). Fenghua is the name of a city in northern Zhejiang province.Stoneware with carved and incised decoration, transparent glaze and copper rim mountDing ware 定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song or Jin dynasty, about AD 1050–1234 PDF 116白釉鑲銅口盤此盤滿釉。1086年至1127年,定窯窯工們開創性地使用了將器物口沿向下放置燒窯的覆燒技術。窯工使用階梯式匣缽疊放器物,這樣一次燒窯可以燒造大量的器物,節省了燃料。但覆燒的缺點是,為了避免向下放置的器物口沿與匣缽粘連,口沿處須刮掉釉層,使之成為“芒口”。工匠們以銅片,偶爾也使用金或銀片,切割成合適的尺寸,加熱后包鑲在口沿上來掩蓋這一缺陷。史料記載表明,以金屬包鑲口沿事實上提高了黏土燒成品的地位。盤外底刻“奉華”二字。奉華為宋代宮殿的名字。炻器,刻劃花,透明釉,鑲銅口定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋或金代,約1050-1234年
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