Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:11thC(late)-12thC(early)
Dimensions:Diameter: 137 millimetres Height: 36 millimetres
Ru stoneware dish. The body of the dish is stained bluish-black where exposed and has opaque lavender blue glaze with close crackle. There are three elliptical spur marks and an incised character on the base, which is glazed, as is the foot.
![图片[5]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00801866_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song early 12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A59Crackled Ru ware dish Sir Percival David’s interest in Ru wares was fundamental to his early career. In 1937, he published ‘A Commentary on Ju (Ru) Ware’ in the Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. There he discussed literary references for Ru Ware in depth and concluded that it was indeed a Northern Song imperial ceramic. Archaeologists discovered the actual Ru kiln site nearly fifty years later in 1985. The character incised into the base is a mark of ownership from the Qing imperial court.Stoneware with celadon glazeRu ware汝窯Qingliangsi, Baofeng county, Henan province河南省,寳豐縣,清凉寺Northern Song dynasty, about AD 1086–1125 PDF A59汝窯開片盤斐西瓦樂•大維德爵士對汝窯器的興趣在其早期收藏生涯中至關重要。1937年,他在《東方陶瓷學會會刊》上發表了《汝窯述評》一文,文章深入論述了汝窯的相關文獻,並得出汝器確實是北宋皇家用器的結論。考古學家在近五十年後的1985年發現了汝窯的確切窯址。器底所刻文字是器物屬於清宮所有的標記。炻器,青釉汝窯河南省寶豐縣清涼寺北宋,約1086-1125年
Dimensions:Diameter: 137 millimetres Height: 36 millimetres
Ru stoneware dish. The body of the dish is stained bluish-black where exposed and has opaque lavender blue glaze with close crackle. There are three elliptical spur marks and an incised character on the base, which is glazed, as is the foot.
![图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384990_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384992_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00801863_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00801864_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-dish BM-PDF-A.59-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00801866_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song early 12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A59Crackled Ru ware dish Sir Percival David’s interest in Ru wares was fundamental to his early career. In 1937, he published ‘A Commentary on Ju (Ru) Ware’ in the Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. There he discussed literary references for Ru Ware in depth and concluded that it was indeed a Northern Song imperial ceramic. Archaeologists discovered the actual Ru kiln site nearly fifty years later in 1985. The character incised into the base is a mark of ownership from the Qing imperial court.Stoneware with celadon glazeRu ware汝窯Qingliangsi, Baofeng county, Henan province河南省,寳豐縣,清凉寺Northern Song dynasty, about AD 1086–1125 PDF A59汝窯開片盤斐西瓦樂•大維德爵士對汝窯器的興趣在其早期收藏生涯中至關重要。1937年,他在《東方陶瓷學會會刊》上發表了《汝窯述評》一文,文章深入論述了汝窯的相關文獻,並得出汝器確實是北宋皇家用器的結論。考古學家在近五十年後的1985年發現了汝窯的確切窯址。器底所刻文字是器物屬於清宮所有的標記。炻器,青釉汝窯河南省寶豐縣清涼寺北宋,約1086-1125年
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