dish BM-PDF.582

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1424
Materials:porcelain, gold,
Technique:glazed, gilded,

Dimensions:Diameter: 317 millimetres Height: 57 millimetres

Porcelain dish with rounded sides and flattened rim. The dish has yellow enamel over a plain felspathic glaze. There are two gilt lines on the rim, and traces of a third line around the bottom of the well.
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Comments:Published PDF date : Qing 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 582Dish with yellow glaze and gilt linesThis dish is an example of the first ever use of a monochrome yellow glaze at Jingdezhen. Thereafter this colour glaze was used to decorate court porcelain for some five hundred years of the imperial era in China from AD 1403 to AD 1911. Potters fired the dish twice, first at a porcelain temperature of around 1280 to1320 °C and then in a second, lower-temperature firing to vitrify the lead-fluxed, iron-pigmented glaze. It is incredibly rare as it is also gilded. Archaeologists have excavated some white Yongle porcelain from the Jingdezhen kilns with gilding but yellow examples are very rare indeed.Porcelain with transparent and yellow glazes and gildingJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF 582黃釉金彩碗此盤為景德鎮最早燒造單色黃釉的實例之一。此后黃色作為中國皇家宮廷用瓷的專屬釉色歷經了五百餘年(1403至1911年)。器物為二次燒成,首先是在約1280°C至1320°C的高溫下燒成瓷胎,而後罩施以鉛為助熔劑、鐵為呈色元素的黃釉,二次入窯以低溫燒將黃釉漿玻化。此盤飾金彩,因而極為罕見。考古學家曾在景德鎮發掘出一些永樂時期帶有金彩裝飾的白瓷,但黃釉金彩器物非常稀有。瓷器,透明釉及黃釉,金彩江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403-1424年
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