dish BM-PDF-A.58

Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:1086-1125

Dimensions:Diameter: 195 millimetres Height: 37 millimetres

Ru stoneware shallow dish. The dish has a light buff body and glaze that was originally blue-grey, but due to fire damage is now opaque grey with pink suffusions. There are five spur marks and an inscription on the base, which is glazed.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.58-China Archive 图片[2]-dish BM-PDF-A.58-China Archive 图片[3]-dish BM-PDF-A.58-China Archive 图片[4]-dish BM-PDF-A.58-China Archive 图片[5]-dish BM-PDF-A.58-China Archive

Comments:PDF A58乾隆詩文盤(燒損)此盤損於1923年北京紫禁城內的一場大火。汝釉美麗的青釉釉色已變渾濛不清,盤內外都有紅褐色灼痕。盤外底刻有乾隆皇帝作于1779年的御製詩:“趙宋青窯建汝州,傳為瑪瑙末為油。而今景德無斯法,亦自出藍寳色浮。乾隆己亥夏御題。”意為:宋代在汝州設立官窯燒造青釉器。據說古代將瑪瑙粉末用於釉料,然而如今景德鎮已經不再使用這樣的配方,也能夠燒造出器表絢麗的藍色。乾隆皇帝作于己亥年(1779年)夏日。詩尾附“德充符”(意為充滿力量的符號)印一方。炻器,燒壞的青釉,填金刻銘汝窯河南省寶豐縣清涼寺北宋,約1086-1125年 Published PDF date : Northern Song 11thC-12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A58Damaged dish with Qianlong inscription This dish was damaged in a fire at the Forbidden City in Beijing in 1923. The beautiful celadon Ru glaze is now cloudy and has pink blushes inside and out. The Qianlong emperor had this dish incised with an inscription which is dated AD 1779. The inscription reads: 趙宋青窑建汝州, 傳為瑪瑙末為油, 而今景德無斯法, 亦自出藍寳色浮乾隆己亥夏禦題 [‘Zhao Song qing yao jian Ruzhou, chuang wei manao mo wei you, er jin Jingde wu si fa, yi zichu lanbao se fu. Qianlong jihai xia yuti’. The imperial kiln making Song celadons was established at Ruzhou. In ancient times it was said that powdered agate was used in its glaze. Nowadays, however, this formula is not used at Jingdezhen, Although it produced a glorious blue on the surface. Composed by the Qianlong emperor in the summer of the cyclical year jihai [AD 1779]].The seal placed at the end of the inscription reads: 德充符 (de chong fu ‘The sign of fullness of power’).Stoneware with damaged celadon glaze and incised and gilded inscriptionRu ware汝窯Qingliangsi, Baofeng county, Henan province 河南省, 寳豐縣, 清凉寺Northern Song dynasty, about AD 1086–1125
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