Period:Southern Song dynasty Production date:1127-1279
Dimensions:Diameter: 146 millimetres Height: 36 millimetres
Guan stoneware dish with shallow, sloping sides and everted, six-lobed rim, on a recessed base. The dish has a bluish-grey glaze with wide crackle, stained black and grey on the exterior, unstained on the interior. The dish has an inscription, and six spur marks on the base, which is glazed.
![图片[5]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00821272_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song or Yuan 12th-14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 14Guan ware dish with an inscriptionThe fine inscription on the base reads: 處郡章家弟與兄弟陶純美較兄精春風堂不觀随筆那識哥窑所得名. 乾隆乙未春御題 Chujun Zhang jia di yu xiongdi tao chunmei jiao xiong jing Chunfeng Tang bu guan suibi na shi Geyao suode ming. Qianlong yiwei chun yuti There were two brothers named Zhang in Chuzhou. The wares of the younger surpass those of the Elder in purity and beauty. Had we not read the essays from the Spring Wind Hall how could we know whence Ge ware got its name. Composed by the Qianlong emperor in the Spring of the cyclical year yiwei [AD1775]. A seal at the end of the inscription reads: 古香guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’. Stoneware with celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Southern Song dynasty, about AD 1127–1279 PDF 14官釉刻乾隆御制詩盤器底部刻詩文:“處郡章家弟與兄,弟陶純美較兄精。春風堂不觀隨筆,那識哥窯所得名。乾隆乙未春御題。”意為:龍泉窯所在的處州有章氏兄弟二人皆燒瓷器,弟弟所燒瓷器較哥哥更為精美。如果沒有閱讀《春風堂隨筆》,又怎會知曉哥窯得名之由來。乾隆皇帝作于乙未年(1775年)春天。詩尾附“古香”(古物之芬芳)印一方。炻器,青釉官窯浙江省杭州市南宋,1127-1279年
Dimensions:Diameter: 146 millimetres Height: 36 millimetres
Guan stoneware dish with shallow, sloping sides and everted, six-lobed rim, on a recessed base. The dish has a bluish-grey glaze with wide crackle, stained black and grey on the exterior, unstained on the interior. The dish has an inscription, and six spur marks on the base, which is glazed.
![图片[1]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00279394_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00279403_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00350309_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00350310_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-dish BM-PDF.14-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00821272_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song or Yuan 12th-14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 14Guan ware dish with an inscriptionThe fine inscription on the base reads: 處郡章家弟與兄弟陶純美較兄精春風堂不觀随筆那識哥窑所得名. 乾隆乙未春御題 Chujun Zhang jia di yu xiongdi tao chunmei jiao xiong jing Chunfeng Tang bu guan suibi na shi Geyao suode ming. Qianlong yiwei chun yuti There were two brothers named Zhang in Chuzhou. The wares of the younger surpass those of the Elder in purity and beauty. Had we not read the essays from the Spring Wind Hall how could we know whence Ge ware got its name. Composed by the Qianlong emperor in the Spring of the cyclical year yiwei [AD1775]. A seal at the end of the inscription reads: 古香guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’. Stoneware with celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Southern Song dynasty, about AD 1127–1279 PDF 14官釉刻乾隆御制詩盤器底部刻詩文:“處郡章家弟與兄,弟陶純美較兄精。春風堂不觀隨筆,那識哥窯所得名。乾隆乙未春御題。”意為:龍泉窯所在的處州有章氏兄弟二人皆燒瓷器,弟弟所燒瓷器較哥哥更為精美。如果沒有閱讀《春風堂隨筆》,又怎會知曉哥窯得名之由來。乾隆皇帝作于乙未年(1775年)春天。詩尾附“古香”(古物之芬芳)印一方。炻器,青釉官窯浙江省杭州市南宋,1127-1279年
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