dish BM-PDF-A.771

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:16thC-17thC
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 369 millimetres Height: 81 millimetres

Swatow-type Zhangzhou Export Ware porcelain dish. Decorated in red, turquoise, green and black overglaze enamels. Central design of mariner’s compass motif, with Island of Bliss landscape above, galleon to the right and fish in aquatic plants and waves to left. Four circular medallions round rim, each enclosing a character , ‘yuan lai jin yue’ (‘Coming from afar, they approached with pleasure’). In between, floral panels flanked by sprays and parrots. Base roughly glazed.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.771-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Wanli (1573-1620) late 16th century Room 95 label text:PDF A771Dish with a map-style designThis heavily potted and crudely painted dish was made for export in the Chinese coastal province of Fujian. Merchants traded them to countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia as well as to Japan and Holland. They are characterised by coarse sandy bases and designs rendered in free and spontaneous brushstrokes. This example is painted with a map-style design showing ships, a compass and sea monsters. The characters in the cavetto are read together 近悅遠來 (jin yue yuan lai ‘pleased to have arrived whether from far or near’).Porcelain with overglaze turquoise, red and black enamelsZhangzhou (‘Swatow’) warePinghe county, Zhangzhou prefecture, Fujian province, 福建省, 漳州, 平和縣Ming dynasty, about AD1573–1620 PDF A771類地圖紋盤這件瓷盤胎體厚重,繪畫粗率,系中國沿海省份福建為出口所製。商人們將之銷往東南亞國家,諸如印尼、菲律賓和馬來西亞,同時也行銷日本和荷蘭。器物以粗砂底為特徵。紋飾皆筆法自然自由揮灑。本瓷盤繪以地圖風格的紋飾,有海船、羅盤及海中怪獸。內壁文字讀作“近悅遠來”(意為近處的悅服,遠方的也就來投奔)瓷器,釉上孔雀藍、紅、黑彩漳州(汕頭)器福建省漳州平和縣明代,約1573-1620年
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