dish BM-PDF-A.755

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1426-1435
Technique:underglazed, painted,

Dimensions:Diameter: 295 millimetres Height: 55 millimetres

Porcelain dish. Decorated inside with flowering pomegranate spray in the centre within double circle, and four fruit sprays around the cavetto, all in underglaze blue against yellow ground, including peach, lychee, cherry and persimmon. The yellow enamel has been applied over a high fired transparent glaze. On the exterior, four Buddhist lotus, baoxianghua sprays. Unglazed base, mark on rim.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.755-China Archive 图片[2]-dish BM-PDF-A.755-China Archive 图片[3]-dish BM-PDF-A.755-China Archive 图片[4]-dish BM-PDF-A.755-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Xuande 1426-1435 Room 95 label text:PDF A755Saucer-dish with flowering pomegranate This design, invented in the early fifteenth century, was made continuously for one hundred years at Jingdezhen and later was revived in the Qing dynasty (AD 1644–1911). The dish is decorated with a flowering pomegranate branch in the centre with fruiting branches of persimmon, peach, lychee and cherry in the walls. The branches have ragged ends, following a well-known convention, indicating they were broken from a tree. On the exterior are four stylised blue lotus flowers and a six-character Xuande reign mark written horizontally at the rim. The yellow glaze is faintly iridescent, like oil on water, and it appears worn, with tiny rubbed and scratched patches all over. The base is unglazed and speckled with tiny brown flecks. Porcelain with underglaze blue and overglaze yellowJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Xuande mark and period, AD1426–35 PDF A755折枝石榴花紋盤本件瓷器的圖案為十五世紀早期首創,在景德鎮持續使用了一百年,后來在清代(1644–1911)又復燒。瓷盤中心裝飾正在開花的石榴枝,內壁為結果的柿子、桃、荔枝及櫻桃枝條。遵循一種有名的傳統表現手法,枝條末端都参差不齊,顯示它們是從樹上折下的。瓷盤外部是四朵格式化的藍色蓮花,口沿處為橫書六字宣德年款。黃色釉有虹彩暈光,象水中的油;能看出磨損,隨處可見局部的微細擦刮痕。外底無釉,有很多微小的鐵紅色斑點。瓷器,青花,透明釉上施黃釉江西省景德鎮明代,宣德,宣德款,1426-1435年
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