Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:11thC-12thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 183 millimetres Height: 26 millimetres
Ding porcelain dish, with a raised edge. Creamy white. There are two fish among waves carved in centre.
Comments:Published PDF date : 12th or early 13thC Room 95 label text:PDF 176Dish with incised fish Potters incised a design of two fish among waves in the centre of this dish. Chinese people regard paired fish as a rebus (visual pun) for abundance as the words for both fish 魚 and abundance 餘, are pronounced yu. This design was also used at Jingdezhen. Stoneware with carved and combed decoration, and transparent glaze Ding ware 定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song or Jin dynasty, about AD 1050–1234 PDF 176白釉刻劃花雙魚紋盤此器器心刻劃雙魚,徜徉于波濤之中。中國人將雙魚視作富足的象徵,因“魚”與“餘”諧音。這種紋飾在景德鎮也有燒造。炻器,刻劃及篦劃花,透明釉定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋或金代,約1050-1234年
Dimensions:Diameter: 183 millimetres Height: 26 millimetres
Ding porcelain dish, with a raised edge. Creamy white. There are two fish among waves carved in centre.
Comments:Published PDF date : 12th or early 13thC Room 95 label text:PDF 176Dish with incised fish Potters incised a design of two fish among waves in the centre of this dish. Chinese people regard paired fish as a rebus (visual pun) for abundance as the words for both fish 魚 and abundance 餘, are pronounced yu. This design was also used at Jingdezhen. Stoneware with carved and combed decoration, and transparent glaze Ding ware 定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song or Jin dynasty, about AD 1050–1234 PDF 176白釉刻劃花雙魚紋盤此器器心刻劃雙魚,徜徉于波濤之中。中國人將雙魚視作富足的象徵,因“魚”與“餘”諧音。這種紋飾在景德鎮也有燒造。炻器,刻劃及篦劃花,透明釉定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋或金代,約1050-1234年
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