dish BM-PDF.161

Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:960-1234
Materials:porcelain, copper,
Technique:moulded, glazed,

Dimensions:Diameter: 215 millimetres Height: 25 millimetres

Ding porcelain dish, with eight lobes and copper-bound mouth rim. White. There are two moulded peacocks, an ornamental rock and peonies in the centre, with flower scrolls on each interior panel and a band of key-fret on the rim.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF.161-China Archive 图片[2]-dish BM-PDF.161-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : 13thC Room 95 label text:PDF 161Lobed dish with peacocks and peonies in a rockeryFrom the mid-eleventh century, potters used reusable, intricately-carved, intaglio moulds which sped up the production process. Ding potters continued making ceramics with incised designs but during the foreign Jin (AD 1115–1234) and Yuan dynasties (AD1279–1368) impressed designs were most common. Kiln supervisors enlarged the volume of production further by introducing saggars (clay fire boxes) with stepped sides, so that the kilns could fire more wares at a time, stacking them on their rims one above another in increasing sizes. Stoneware with moulded decoration, transparent glaze and copper rim mountDing ware定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song to Jin dynasty, about AD 960–1234 PDF 161白釉岩石孔雀牡丹紋花口盤自十一世紀中期始,陶工們使用可重複利用的、刻有精美花紋的凹雕陶模來提高生產的速度。金代(1115-1234年)及元代(1279-1368年)雖然也繼續燒造有刻劃花裝飾的陶瓷器,但用陶模裝飾的印花器物更為普遍。借助階梯式匣缽的使用,窯工將器物依尺寸由小到大漸次口沿向下疊放在匣缽之中,一次可同時燒造更多器物。炻器,印花,透明釉,鑲銅口定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋或金代,約960-1234年
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