dish BM-PDF-A.808

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Diameter: 171 millimetres Height: 44 millimetres

Porcelain saucer-shaped dish. Fine white porcelain delicately painted on reverse with design of intertwining branches of blossoming prunus and mallow in ‘famille rose’ palette enamels and black in ‘Gu Yue’ style followed by poetic inscription. There is a mark on the base.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.808-China Archive 图片[2]-dish BM-PDF-A.808-China Archive 图片[3]-dish BM-PDF-A.808-China Archive 图片[4]-dish BM-PDF-A.808-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF A808Falangcai saucer-dish with flowers and a poem On one side is a design of intertwined branches of prunus and camellia, on the other side a complementary poem in black enamel which reads 淡妝踈[疏]影兩依依 (danzhuang shuying liang yiyi ‘Lightly adorned and scattering shadows, the two clink together [in the breeze];’).This line of poetry is by Wang Yun 王惲 (1227–1304). The title of the original poem refers to two purities – plum blossoms and bamboo. The source poem is recorded in juan 86 in the《佩文齋詠物詩》(Peiwenzhai collection of poems) compiled by the Kangxi Emperor in AD1706 . The seal before the poems reads 先春 xian chun (early spring); and the two seals after the poem read 古月guyue (ancient moon); and 清香(qingxiang ‘pure fragrance’). The bright lime-green ground colour was an innovation of the Yongzheng reign and was influenced by Western technology. It was made by adding copper to lead-antimonate. Chinese potters made little use of lead-antimonate, despite having large deposits of it, but in Europe it was used for a bright yellow pigment in glass, glaze and oil paint. On the base is a four-character Yongzheng mark in a double square in blue enamel. Porcelain with transparent glaze made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, overglaze enamels added in Beijing素瓷器: 江西, 景德鎮燒 製; 北京加琺瑯彩Qing dynasty, blue enamel Yongzheng mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF A808琺瑯彩題詩花卉紋盤盤子外壁的一面繪交纏的折枝梅花與山茶花,另一面以黑彩配七言詩句“淡妝踈[疏]影兩依依”。此句出自王惲(1227–1304年)詩,原詩的詩題和梅竹雙清有關。全詩收入1706年康熙皇帝欽命所編的《御定佩文齋詠物詩選》卷八十六。詩前印為“先春”(早春),詩尾兩印分別為“古月”(古時之月)及“香清”(純凈之香)。盤子外壁的底色是鮮明的青檸綠,這是雍正朝的首創,受到了西方技術的影響,是在銻酸鉛中加入銅製成。锑酸鉛在中國雖然儲藏豐富,中國陶工卻很少使用這種彩料;但是在歐洲,锑酸鉛卻在玻璃、陶瓷釉以及油畫中用作明黃顏料。外底雙方框內藍料署四字雍正年款。江西省景德鎮燒成透明釉素面白瓷北京紫禁城彩繪、燒結釉上彩清代,雍正,藍料雍正款,1723–1735年
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