cup BM-PDF-A.823

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1890-1910
Technique:glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Diameter: 68 millimetres Height: 58 millimetres

Porcelain tub-shaped cup. Fine white porcelain decorated in ‘famille rose’ palette enamels on one side, with rooster, hen, chickens and figures of the ‘Precocious Chicken Boy’, Jia Chang.
图片[1]-cup BM-PDF-A.823-China Archive 图片[2]-cup BM-PDF-A.823-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-1795 Room 95 label text:PDF A823Cup with long Qianlong inscriptionOn one side a boy is shown with a cockerel among blue rocks. There is a long inscription on the other side in black enamel with red seals, including the date of the bingshen year of the Qianlong reign (AD 1776). The inscription reads: 李唐越器人間無,趙宋官窯辰星看殷周鼎彜世頗多,堅脆之質於焉辨堅樸脆巧久蹔分,立德踐行義可玩朱明去此弗甚遙,宣成雅具时猶見寒芒秀采縂稱珍,就中雞缸最爲冠牡丹麗日春風和,牝雞逐隊雄鷄絢金尾鐡距首昂藏,怒勢如聼賈昌喚良工物態肖無遺,趨華風氣隨时變我獨警心在齊詩,不敢耽安興以晏乾隆丙申御题Li Tang Yue qi renjian wu, Zhao Song Guanyao chenxing kan,Yin Zhou ding yi shi po duo, jiancui zhi zhi yu yanbian, jianpu cui qiao jiu zhan fen, lide jianxing yi ke wan,Zhu Ming qu ci fu zhen yao, Xuan Cheng yaju shi you jian,han mang xiucai zong cheng zhen, jiu zhong jigang zui wei guanmudan liri chunfeng he, pinji zhudui xiongji xunjinwei tieju shou ang cang, nushi ru ting Jia Chang huan,lianggong wu tai xiao wu yi, qu hua fengqi suishi bian,wo du jingxin zai Qi shi, bugan dan an yu yi yan,Qianlong bingshen yutiYue vessels of the Tang dynasty are no longer found,The imperial ware of the Song dynasty is as rare as stars at dawn,Yet ding vessels of the Shang and Zhou abound to the present day,Bronze is stronger; vessels of clay are more fragile.The strong survive, the fragile perish,Hard work is valued and should be prized,The Ming dynasty is not so far removed (from our own time),The gems of Xuan(de) and Cheng(hua) may be seen occasionallyTheir brilliance and perfect colouring are universally praised;And among them the ‘chicken cups’ are supreme.The peonies under a bright sun in springtime, The hen and chicks close together and the cockerel in his glory,With golden tail and iron spurs, his head held high,Standing ready for combat, as if he heard the call of Zang Ping.The gifted artist has rendered nature in all its detail,In a style handed down from former times, yet changing in each successive period.But in my heart I will think only of the ancient Odes of Qi,And hesitate to remain abed when time to rise at dawn.Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the cyclical year bingshen [1776]. Two seals: The first, a pictorial depiction of ‘qian’, one of the 8 trigrams ‘bagua’ in Chinese cosmology. Qian is also the name of the first of the 64 hexagrams of the ‘Book of Changes’. The second seal is the character ‘long’. In combination, the seals make up the reign name, ‘Qianlong’.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue, overglaze blue and fencai (powdered colours) Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about AD 1890–1910 PDF A823乾隆題詩雞缸杯瓷杯一面繪藍色岩石,旁有一個男童在逗一隻小公雞。另一面用黑彩書寫長詩,詩尾有“乾隆丙申御题”(丙申為1776年),及紅彩印章。長詩為:李唐越器人間無,趙宋官窯晨星看殷周鼎彜世頗多,堅脆之質於焉辨堅樸脆巧久蹔[暫]分,立德踐行義可玩朱明去此弗甚遙,宣成雅具时猶見寒芒秀采縂稱珍,就中雞缸最爲冠牡丹麗日春風和,牝雞逐隊雄鷄絢金尾鐡距首昂藏,怒勢如聼賈昌喚良工物態肖無遺,趨華風氣隨时變我獨警心在齊詩,不敢耽安興以晏此詩大意是:李唐王朝的越窯器物已找不到,趙宋皇室的官窯瓷器寥若晨星。但是商周時期的鼎彝現在世上還多見,因為青銅器堅硬牢固,陶瓷卻脆弱易碎。強者生存,脆弱的毀滅,辛勤的工作價值高,理當被珍稀。朱氏明代(離我們)還不遙遠,宣(德)成(化)的寶物有時還可見到。他們的光澤和完美的色彩舉世贊譽,其中雞缸杯無與倫比。春天麗日下牡丹花開,母雞和小雞扎堆,雄雞絢麗多彩。尾巴金色,足距如鐵,雞首高昂,準備戰斗,好象聽到了(唐代有鬥雞天賦的兒童)賈昌的召喚。有天賦的畫工將造物的所有細節都表露無遺,用前代所傳的風格,但每個時期又有變化。但在心中我想到的僅有齊地詩學,黎明當起時,不敢臥床遲延。兩枚印章,第一枚是中國用來表達宇宙萬象的八卦中的“乾”卦的符號,乾也是《易經》中六十四卦中的第一個卦名。第二枚是文字“隆”。兩枚印章合起來就是年號“乾隆”。瓷器,青花款,釉上藍彩、粉彩(粉狀彩料)江西省景德鎮清代,約1890–1910年
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