carpet; textile; 地毯; 紡織品 BM-MAS.540.a-c

Period:Unknown Production date:3rdC-4thC
Materials:wool, 毛織品 (Chinese),
Technique:knotted, 栽绒 (Chinese),

Dimensions:Length: 15.50 centimetres (fragment a) Length: 15 centimetres (fragment b) Length: 9.50 centimetres (fragment c) Width: 14 centimetres (fragment a) Width: 10 centimetres (fragment b) Width: 7 centimetres (fragment c)

Three carpet fragments with geometrical pattern. The ground weave is very stable and thick, but the colourful wool knots are mostly gone, though dark red, light red, brown, blue, light blue, yellow, yellowish green colours can still be identified. The knots were made in a very simple method, in a V shape, which is probably the main reason for this carpet losing most of the knots. Weave structures: Warp: wool, S-nZ, single, undyed, 8 ends/cm; Weft: foundation weft: wool, Z twisted, undyed, paired, 20 pairs/cm; Knot: wool, Z twisted, paired, dark red, light red, brown, blue, light blue, yellow, yellowish green etc, in a length of 0.6-0.7cm, 8 knots/cm in weft direction; Weave structure: 1/1 for the foundation weave, knots are made in a V shape into every two warps after two pairs of wefts. 共有三件地毯殘片,呈幾何紋樣。地組織極爲厚實,但絨毛已基本磨損。深紅、淺紅、褐色、藍、淺藍、黃和草綠等絨毛等經線織依然可辨。栽絨採用最爲簡單的V形固結,這可能是此件毛毯栽絨基本脫落的主要原因。 組織結構: 經線:毛,多根Z撚線合成S撚的股線,單根排列,本色,8根/cm;地緯:毛, Z撚,本色,雙根排列,20雙/cm;栽絨:毛,Z撚,成雙織入,有深紅、淺紅、褐色、藍、淺藍、黃、草綠等色,絨高約0.6-0.7cm,緯向8 結/cm。組織:地組織:1/1平紋,每兩根經線、每兩雙緯線以V形結栽入絨毛。
图片[1]-carpet; textile; 地毯; 紡織品 BM-MAS.540.a-c-China Archive 图片[2]-carpet; textile; 地毯; 紡織品 BM-MAS.540.a-c-China Archive 图片[3]-carpet; textile; 地毯; 紡織品 BM-MAS.540.a-c-China Archive 图片[4]-carpet; textile; 地毯; 紡織品 BM-MAS.540.a-c-China Archive

Comments:This record is being updated as part of the Stein Project in the Department of Asia.
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