calligraphy BM-1996-0614-0.18

Period:Unknown Production date:1976
Dimensions:Height: 113.10 centimetres Width: 33.50 centimetres

Hanging scroll with calligraphy, made of ink on paper, bearing a poem lamenting the death of Premier Zhou Enlai. It reads as follows: “Some people have money to buy fine horses. / For the past ten years, however, / the gold has rusted and no horses have come. / There are, in fact, no longer such horses”. Dated.
图片[1]-calligraphy BM-1996-0614-0.18-China Archive

Comments:Barrass 2002:On 2nd April 1976, at the time of the Qing Ming festival when the Chinese traditionally sweep the graves of their ancestors, huge crowds gathered in Tiananmen Square to pay homage to the late Premier Zhou Enlai. When he had died that January, the ‘Gang of Four’ had thwarted all attempts at public mourning, thus intensifying the mass outpouring of sentiment that was to be seen on the occasion of this traditional event. The following evening the painter Li Kai and his wife called to see Yang Xianyi and his wife Gladys Tayler. After they had all had a lot to drink and become rather maudlin, Lin Kai’s wife, who had a hauntingly beautiful voice, began singing a well-known song of which the first stanza praised Mao, the second Zhu De (Mao’s great military commander) and the third Zhou Enlai. As she got to the third stanza, everyone broke down in tears. Lin Kai later marked the moment with a poem lamenting that there would never be another man of Zhou Enlai’s stature to guide China.
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