Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:1086-1125
Dimensions:Height: 28 millimetres Width: 142 millimetres Depth: 97 millimetres
Ru ware brush-washer. The brush-washer has an ash grey body and blue-grey glaze with lavender tone and fine crackle stained grey in places. There is an impressed or incised motif on the interior. There are three tiny oval spur marks on the base, which is glazed.
![图片[3]-brush-washer BM-PDF-A.60-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384998_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song early 12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A60Oval brush-washer with pairs of fishCraftsmen in Henan achieved a technical triumph in making this thinly potted brush-washer. They fully glazed the brush-washer before firing it on a support with three prongs which has left just three tiny unglazed sesame seed-shaped marks within a depressed circular area on the base. Inside, two fish, a rebus for abundance, are incised in the clay beneath the glaze. Both the oval form of this brush-washer and the incised decoration make them incredibly rare, even within this exceptional group. Sherds of related wares have been excavated at Qingliangsi, the main Ru ware production site in Baofeng County, Henan. Stoneware with incised decoration and celadon glazeRu ware 汝窯Qingliangsi, Baofeng county, Henan province 河南省, 寳豐縣, 清凉寺Northern Song dynasty, AD 1086–1125 PDF A60雙魚紋橢圓洗當時河南工匠在製作這件薄胎洗的技術上頗為成功。此洗通體施釉,採用裹足支燒,外底圓形的凹進處留有三個芝麻掙釘痕跡。此洗內底釉下刻兩條遊魚,象徵著富貴有餘。此洗的橢圓形和刻劃裝飾使其極為罕見。河南寶豐清涼寺是汝窯的主要產地,曾發現有類似本器的汝窯殘片。炻器,劃花,青釉汝窯河南省寶豐縣清涼寺北宋,1086-1125年
Dimensions:Height: 28 millimetres Width: 142 millimetres Depth: 97 millimetres
Ru ware brush-washer. The brush-washer has an ash grey body and blue-grey glaze with lavender tone and fine crackle stained grey in places. There is an impressed or incised motif on the interior. There are three tiny oval spur marks on the base, which is glazed.
![图片[1]-brush-washer BM-PDF-A.60-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384995_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-brush-washer BM-PDF-A.60-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384997_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-brush-washer BM-PDF-A.60-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384998_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song early 12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A60Oval brush-washer with pairs of fishCraftsmen in Henan achieved a technical triumph in making this thinly potted brush-washer. They fully glazed the brush-washer before firing it on a support with three prongs which has left just three tiny unglazed sesame seed-shaped marks within a depressed circular area on the base. Inside, two fish, a rebus for abundance, are incised in the clay beneath the glaze. Both the oval form of this brush-washer and the incised decoration make them incredibly rare, even within this exceptional group. Sherds of related wares have been excavated at Qingliangsi, the main Ru ware production site in Baofeng County, Henan. Stoneware with incised decoration and celadon glazeRu ware 汝窯Qingliangsi, Baofeng county, Henan province 河南省, 寳豐縣, 清凉寺Northern Song dynasty, AD 1086–1125 PDF A60雙魚紋橢圓洗當時河南工匠在製作這件薄胎洗的技術上頗為成功。此洗通體施釉,採用裹足支燒,外底圓形的凹進處留有三個芝麻掙釘痕跡。此洗內底釉下刻兩條遊魚,象徵著富貴有餘。此洗的橢圓形和刻劃裝飾使其極為罕見。河南寶豐清涼寺是汝窯的主要產地,曾發現有類似本器的汝窯殘片。炻器,劃花,青釉汝窯河南省寶豐縣清涼寺北宋,1086-1125年
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