box BM-PDF.425

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1662-1722
Technique:incised, glazed,

Dimensions:Height: 58 millimetres

Dehua porcelain round box. The box has creamy glaze. There is an Arabic inscription carved into the recessed unglazed cover panel, and an incised debased lotus scroll around the exterior. The recessed base is partially glazed.
图片[1]-box BM-PDF.425-China Archive 图片[2]-box BM-PDF.425-China Archive

Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 425Box with an Arabic inscriptionThis box has a cover with the Arabic inscription ‘There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the apostle of God’. The cover and box do not belong together but have been later matched. The lower half of the box is incised with lotus flowers. They were both made in the 1600s at theDehua kilns in Fujian province. Dehua wares of the period AD 1600–1911 are typified by figures and vessels with a granular sugary white body and either a blue tinged or creamy white glaze. The pure whiteness of these ceramics is due to the relative absence of iron impurities in the body – indeed the clay used contains only half a percent of ferric oxide. Plain white porcelains from the Dehua kilns in Fujian, south-eastern China are known in the West by the nineteenth-century French connoisseurs’ term Blanc de Chine. Porcelain with carved decoration and transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, AD 1662–1722 PDF 425白釉阿拉伯文盒此盒盒蓋上有阿拉伯文銘文,意為:万物非主,唯有真主;穆罕默德,是主使者。盒蓋與盒身並非一套,為後配。器身下半部飾有刻劃蓮花紋。此盒為十七世紀福建德化窯產品。1600年至1911年間的德化器物以器皿和各類塑像為特色,其胎體潔白,質如極細沙,釉色閃青或呈奶油白色。鐵元素的顯著降低使得器物呈色更為白淨,事實上胎土的氧化鐵含量僅有0.5%。中國東南部福建德化窯生產的素白瓷,在西方以十九世紀法國鑒賞家所用的“中國白”一詞而聞名。瓷器,刻花,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,康熙,1662-1722年
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