Period:Qing dynasty Production date:18thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 67 millimetres Height: 45 millimetres
Small round porcelain box with high domed cover. Underglaze blue with scene from The West Chamber (Xixiang ji) on lid, in which scholar Zhang and Yingying embrace in a room while watched by her maid from outside. Landscape scene on lower half. There is an inscription on the base.
![图片[2]-box BM-PDF-B.602-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00389025_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF B602Box with a scene from the Romance of the Western Chamber西厢记 (Xixiang Ji ‘The Romance of the Western Chamber’) has been described as China’s most popular traditional romantic comedy. Cui Yingying is the daughter of the chief minister of the Tang court and she falls in love with Zhang Sheng, a young scholar but he must prove himself worthy of her by making his name in the civil service examinations before he can marry her. There are two characters玩玉 (wan yu ‘precious jade’) written vertically in underglaze blue on the base. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decoration Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1800 PDF B602 《西廂記》圖蓋盒《西廂記》被描述為中國最流行的傳統愛情喜劇。崔鶯鶯是唐朝相國之女,愛慕年輕文人張生,但張生必須在科舉考試中金榜題名,證明配得上鶯鶯,才能獲允親事迎娶鶯鶯。外底署青花款“玩玉”(意為珍玩之玉)。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,約1700–1800年
Dimensions:Diameter: 67 millimetres Height: 45 millimetres
Small round porcelain box with high domed cover. Underglaze blue with scene from The West Chamber (Xixiang ji) on lid, in which scholar Zhang and Yingying embrace in a room while watched by her maid from outside. Landscape scene on lower half. There is an inscription on the base.
![图片[1]-box BM-PDF-B.602-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00389024_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-box BM-PDF-B.602-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00389025_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF B602Box with a scene from the Romance of the Western Chamber西厢记 (Xixiang Ji ‘The Romance of the Western Chamber’) has been described as China’s most popular traditional romantic comedy. Cui Yingying is the daughter of the chief minister of the Tang court and she falls in love with Zhang Sheng, a young scholar but he must prove himself worthy of her by making his name in the civil service examinations before he can marry her. There are two characters玩玉 (wan yu ‘precious jade’) written vertically in underglaze blue on the base. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decoration Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1800 PDF B602 《西廂記》圖蓋盒《西廂記》被描述為中國最流行的傳統愛情喜劇。崔鶯鶯是唐朝相國之女,愛慕年輕文人張生,但張生必須在科舉考試中金榜題名,證明配得上鶯鶯,才能獲允親事迎娶鶯鶯。外底署青花款“玩玉”(意為珍玩之玉)。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,約1700–1800年
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