bowl BM-PDF.723

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1522-1566
Technique:glazed, painted, underglazed,

Dimensions:Height: 93 millimetres Width: 195 millimetres

Square porcelain bowl with steep sides and flared mouth rim. There is a phoenix, crane, clouds and a Chinese character in on-biscuit green enamel on a yellow enamel ground in a square panel on the interior, lingzhi scrolls around the interior rim, and cranes and phoenix on alternate walls among lingzhi scrolls on the exterior. There is a mark in underglaze blue on the base.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.723-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.723-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Jiajing 1522-1566 Room 95 label text:PDF 723Square bowl with yellow and green decorationThis square porcelain bowl has steep sides and flared mouth rim. There is a phoenix, crane, clouds and a Chinese character in on-biscuit green enamel on a yellow enamel ground in a square panel on the interior, lingzhi (longevity fungus) scrolls around the interior rim, and cranes and phoenix on alternate walls among lingzhi (longevity fungus) scrolls on the exterior. The base has a six-character underglaze cobalt-blue Jiajing reign mark.Porcelain with incised decoration, underglaze cobalt-blue mark and on-the-biscuit green and yellow enamels Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Jiajing mark and period, AD 1522–1566 PDF 723黃綠彩方形碗此方形碗撇口,四邊有凸棱。內底方形開光內素燒胎繪黃地綠彩鳳、鶴、雲及中文文字圖案,內口沿繪纏枝靈芝紋,外壁纏枝靈芝圖案間交替繪鳳紋及鶴紋。器底署青花六字嘉靖年款。瓷器,劃花,青花款,素燒胎黃綠彩江西省景德鎮明代,嘉靖,嘉靖款,1522-1566年
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