Period:Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Production date:10thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 148 millimetres Height: 64 millimetres
Yue stoneware bowl with base-gold-bound mouth rim. The bowl has pale greyish green glaze. There are two dragons and a pearl carved in the centre, with carved waves on the exterior and the interior.
![图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF.246-China Archive]( Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms/Ceramics/mid_00802796_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Five Dynasties-Northern Song 10th century Room 95 label text:PDF 246Bowl with a silver rimThis bowl is decorated outside with a carved design of overlapping waves. Inside there are similar waves carved into the sides and in the centre two dragons chasing a pearl. Yue stonewares of this very fine quality with either gold or silver rim bands were sent as gifts and as tribute by the Princes of Wu-Yue to neighbouring princes. Stoneware with carved decoration, pale grey- green glaze and metal rim mountYue ware 越窯Shanglinhu kilns, Zhejiang province 浙江省, 上林湖窯Five Dynasties, AD 907–960 PDF 246青釉鑲銀口碗此碗內、外壁飾刻花重疊水波紋,底心飾雙龍戲珠紋。高品質的越窯器物以金或銀鑲嵌口沿,並作為吳越國的禮品和貢品贈與周邊政權。炻器,刻花,淺灰青釉,鑲金屬口越窯浙江省上林湖窯五代,907-960年
Dimensions:Diameter: 148 millimetres Height: 64 millimetres
Yue stoneware bowl with base-gold-bound mouth rim. The bowl has pale greyish green glaze. There are two dragons and a pearl carved in the centre, with carved waves on the exterior and the interior.
![图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.246-China Archive]( Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms/Ceramics/mid_00569971_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.246-China Archive]( Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms/Ceramics/mid_00569973_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-bowl BM-PDF.246-China Archive]( Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms/Ceramics/mid_00802795_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF.246-China Archive]( Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms/Ceramics/mid_00802796_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Five Dynasties-Northern Song 10th century Room 95 label text:PDF 246Bowl with a silver rimThis bowl is decorated outside with a carved design of overlapping waves. Inside there are similar waves carved into the sides and in the centre two dragons chasing a pearl. Yue stonewares of this very fine quality with either gold or silver rim bands were sent as gifts and as tribute by the Princes of Wu-Yue to neighbouring princes. Stoneware with carved decoration, pale grey- green glaze and metal rim mountYue ware 越窯Shanglinhu kilns, Zhejiang province 浙江省, 上林湖窯Five Dynasties, AD 907–960 PDF 246青釉鑲銀口碗此碗內、外壁飾刻花重疊水波紋,底心飾雙龍戲珠紋。高品質的越窯器物以金或銀鑲嵌口沿,並作為吳越國的禮品和貢品贈與周邊政權。炻器,刻花,淺灰青釉,鑲金屬口越窯浙江省上林湖窯五代,907-960年
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