bowl BM-PDF.520

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1426-1435
Technique:incised, underglazed,

Dimensions:Diameter: 207 millimetres Height: 93 millimetres

Porcelain bowl with rounded sides and slightly everted rim. The bowl has deep copper red glaze, white at the rim. There are lotus panels incised on the exterior at the base. There is a mark on base, which has a bluish-white glaze.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.520-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.520-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Xuande 1426-1435 Room 95 label text:PDF 520Bowl with copper-red glaze ‘Sacrificial’, fresh or deep red monochrome-glazed porcelain of the Yongle and Xuande era represents the peak of technical achievement at Jingdezhen. As vessels ordered for ritual use by the early fifteenth century Ming emperors, they enjoy a status above that of other porcelains. The glaze has ‘crept’ at the rim of the dish to reveal the pure whiteness of the porcelain body. The glassy glaze is covered in tiny pin prick holes like skin pores and the colour possesses an incredible powdery depth, yielding layer upon layer of strong red shades of colour. Outside is an incised design of lotus lappets. The base carries an incised Xuande mark.Porcelain with moulded and incised designs, transparent and copper-red glazesJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Xuande mark and period, AD1426–35 PDF 520銅紅釉碗祭紅,指呈色鮮亮或深沉的單色紅釉,代表了永樂宣德時期景德鎮陶瓷工藝的高峰。紅釉瓷是十五世紀早期明代皇帝所燒的陶瓷禮器,其地位高於其他陶瓷器。此碗口部縮釉形成“脫口”,露出潔白的胎體。瑩亮的釉面上有皮膚毛孔般的細微刺狀氣泡紋理,色彩有令人難以置信的粉狀深厚質感,顯示出有層次感的強烈紅色。外壁飾刻劃蓮瓣紋,器底刻宣德年款。瓷器,模印花及劃花,透明銅紅釉江西省景德鎮明代,宣德,宣德款,1426-1435年
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