Period:Northern Song dynasty Production date:960-1127
Materials:stoneware, copper,
Technique:incised, glazed,
Dimensions:Diameter: 182 millimetres Height: 59 millimetres
Ding stoneware bowl with copper-bound mouth rim. Creamy white. Pair of ducks with waves and reeds incised on interior.
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song 11thC-12thC Room 95 label text:PDF 100Bowl with a pair of mandarin ducks The main Ding ware workshops were located in Jianci village, Quyang county, Hebei province, and were in almost constant operation from the early eighth until the mid-fourteenth century. During the first half of the tenth century, Ding wares were often made in the shape of flowers and left undecorated. Later in the tenth and early eleventh century incised and combed designs were created. Pairs of mandarin ducks, as seen on this dish are an emblem of marital bliss.Stoneware with incised decoration, transparent glaze and copper rim mountDing ware定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song dynasty, about AD 960–1127 PDF 100白釉鴛鴦紋碗定窯窯址主要位於河北省曲陽縣澗磁村,其燒造時間自八世紀早期一直延續至十四世紀中期。十世紀上半葉,定窯主要燒造花瓣造型器物及素面器物。到了十世紀晚期至十一世紀早期,出現了劃花及篦劃裝飾手法。碗內的鴛鴦成雙成對,象徵婚姻的美滿。炻器,劃花,透明釉,鑲銅口定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋,960-1127年
Materials:stoneware, copper,
Technique:incised, glazed,
Dimensions:Diameter: 182 millimetres Height: 59 millimetres
Ding stoneware bowl with copper-bound mouth rim. Creamy white. Pair of ducks with waves and reeds incised on interior.
Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song 11thC-12thC Room 95 label text:PDF 100Bowl with a pair of mandarin ducks The main Ding ware workshops were located in Jianci village, Quyang county, Hebei province, and were in almost constant operation from the early eighth until the mid-fourteenth century. During the first half of the tenth century, Ding wares were often made in the shape of flowers and left undecorated. Later in the tenth and early eleventh century incised and combed designs were created. Pairs of mandarin ducks, as seen on this dish are an emblem of marital bliss.Stoneware with incised decoration, transparent glaze and copper rim mountDing ware定窯Quyang county, Hebei province 河北省, 曲陽縣Northern Song dynasty, about AD 960–1127 PDF 100白釉鴛鴦紋碗定窯窯址主要位於河北省曲陽縣澗磁村,其燒造時間自八世紀早期一直延續至十四世紀中期。十世紀上半葉,定窯主要燒造花瓣造型器物及素面器物。到了十世紀晚期至十一世紀早期,出現了劃花及篦劃裝飾手法。碗內的鴛鴦成雙成對,象徵婚姻的美滿。炻器,劃花,透明釉,鑲銅口定窯河北省曲陽縣北宋,960-1127年
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