Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1662-1722
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 172 millimetres Height: 79 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides, slightly everted rim and deep foot. The bowl has a fine white body. There is a peony medallion in late ‘famille verte’ palette enamel on the interior, and three separate trees, with boughs of fruit and flowers on the exterior.
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 885Bowl with fruiting and flowering branches Early Qing enamels fire as thin, translucent watercolour-like colours, dominated by green, black, aubergine, red and yellow pigments. Black (made from manganese and cobalt) and iron-pigmented red were used for outlining as they were more opaque than the other colours. Albert Jacquemart (AD 1808–1875) coined the term famille verte in his Histoire de la céramique published in 1873, to describe this palette dominated by shades of green. There is a six-character apocryphal Chenghua mark in a double circle in underglaze blue on the base.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue and overglaze enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, AD 1662–1722 PDF 885花果紋碗清早期燒成的釉上彩為稀薄的透明水彩狀,以綠、黑、茄皮紫、紅及黃彩為主。由於黑彩(由猛及鈷元素呈色)及含鐵的礬紅彩相比其他顏色更為不透明,因此被用於勾勒輪廓。1873年,艾爾伯特•雅哥馬特(1808-1875年)在其出版的《陶瓷史》(Histoire de la céramique)中首創了陶瓷術語famille verte(“綠色系”),用以描述以綠色調為主的五彩裝飾技法。器底雙圈內署青花六字成化偽託年款。瓷器,青花,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,康熙,1662-1722年
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 172 millimetres Height: 79 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides, slightly everted rim and deep foot. The bowl has a fine white body. There is a peony medallion in late ‘famille verte’ palette enamel on the interior, and three separate trees, with boughs of fruit and flowers on the exterior.
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 885Bowl with fruiting and flowering branches Early Qing enamels fire as thin, translucent watercolour-like colours, dominated by green, black, aubergine, red and yellow pigments. Black (made from manganese and cobalt) and iron-pigmented red were used for outlining as they were more opaque than the other colours. Albert Jacquemart (AD 1808–1875) coined the term famille verte in his Histoire de la céramique published in 1873, to describe this palette dominated by shades of green. There is a six-character apocryphal Chenghua mark in a double circle in underglaze blue on the base.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue and overglaze enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, AD 1662–1722 PDF 885花果紋碗清早期燒成的釉上彩為稀薄的透明水彩狀,以綠、黑、茄皮紫、紅及黃彩為主。由於黑彩(由猛及鈷元素呈色)及含鐵的礬紅彩相比其他顏色更為不透明,因此被用於勾勒輪廓。1873年,艾爾伯特•雅哥馬特(1808-1875年)在其出版的《陶瓷史》(Histoire de la céramique)中首創了陶瓷術語famille verte(“綠色系”),用以描述以綠色調為主的五彩裝飾技法。器底雙圈內署青花六字成化偽託年款。瓷器,青花,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,康熙,1662-1722年
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