bowl BM-PDF-A.533

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1736-1795
Technique:moulded, glazed,

Dimensions:Diameter: 114 millimetres Height: 70 millimetres

Porcelain bowl with steep, curving fluted sides. The bowl has iron red enamel all over. There are gold inscriptions on centre of interior and base.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF-A.533-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF-A.533-China Archive 图片[3]-bowl BM-PDF-A.533-China Archive 图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF-A.533-China Archive 图片[5]-bowl BM-PDF-A.533-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong Room 95 label text:PDF A533 Inscribed bowl imitating lacquer wareThis bowl has fluted sides and a slightly flared rim. It is covered inside and out with a low-fired iron-pigmented red glaze. It imitates contemporary Qing dynasty silk-core lacquer ware which was very light and delicate. Seen at a distance, it would be difficult to distinguish the two materials. Trompe-l’oeil porcelain was very much en vogue at the Chinese court in the eighteenth century. On the inside at the bottom is a gilded inscription of a poem by the Qianlong Emperor, dated to the cyclical year bingshen 丙申 which equates to AD 1776. The inscription reads: 製是菊苍式, 把比菊苍輕。啜 茗合陶句, 裛露掇其英。 乾隆丙申春御題。(Zhi shi jucang shi, babi jucang qing, chuo ming he tao ju, ail u duo qi ying.Qianlong bingshen Chun yuti ‘It is made in the shape of a fragrant chrysanthemum,But compared with the chrysanthemum it is more delicate. As I sip tea, I am pleased to compare it with taking dew from this freshly picked flower. Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the Spring of the cyclical year bingshen [AD 1776]). A seal at the end of the inscription reads: 太璞 (taipu ‘supreme simplicity’).Porcelain with iron-red pigmented glaze, check black base and inscription in goldJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Qianlong seal mark and period, AD1736–95 PDF A533 仿漆器題詩碗此碗略撇口,菊瓣形器身,內外施低溫礬紅釉。器形仿清代同期輕盈且精緻的夾紵胎漆器。遠距離觀察很難區分兩種材質的作品。像生瓷在十八世紀的中國宮廷非常流行。內底書描金乾隆詩,紀年為丙申年,即1776年。詩文為:“製是菊蒼式,把比菊蒼輕。啜茗合陶句,裛露掇其英。 乾隆丙申春禦題。”意為:造型仿芬芳的菊花,但比菊花還要輕盈。當我持此杯飲茶,就放佛從新採摘的鮮花之上汲取露水。乾隆皇帝作于丙申年(1776年)春日。詩尾附印文款“太璞”(意為極端之樸素)。瓷器,鐵紅釉(礬紅),黑色器座,描金題詩江西省景德鎮清代,乾隆,乾隆篆書款,1736-1795年
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