bowl BM-PDF-A.483

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1426-1435
Technique:incised, glazed,

Dimensions:Diameter: 210 millimetres Height: 105 millimetres

Porcelain bowl. The bowl has a white body and blue-toned glaze. There is a petal panel incised on the exterior, flower scroll around the cavetto, and fruiting branch in the well. There is a mark on the base.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF-A.483-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF-A.483-China Archive 图片[3]-bowl BM-PDF-A.483-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Room 95 label text:PDF A483Lianzi [lotus bud] bowl with incised fruiting branchXuande white wares are often bluer in tone than those made during his grandfather’s, the Yongle emperor’s, reign. The shape of this bowl was first used in the Yongle period (AD 1403–24). It is called a 蓮子(lianzi ‘lotus bud’) bowl and outside is incised with a design of lotus petals. Inside it is incised with flower scrolls and fruiting branch. Potters also used the shape of this bowl and this style of decoration at Jingdezhen for underglaze blue bowls in both the Yongle and Xuande eras. The base of this bowl has a six-character Xuande reign mark in underglaze cobalt-blue. The bowl has a white body with a blue-tinged transparent glaze.Porcelain, incised, with underglaze cobalt-blue mark and transparent glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Xuande mark and period AD1426–1435 PDF A483劃花果枝紋蓮子碗與其祖父永樂皇帝相比,宣德時期燒造的白釉器物在色調上通常泛青。此碗的造型首現於永樂時期(1403-1424年),稱為蓮子碗。碗外壁劃花蓮瓣紋,內部劃花纏枝花及果枝紋。永樂及宣德時期,這種器形及裝飾風格的青花碗也有燒製。碗外底署青花宣德六字年款。此碗為白胎,施閃青透明釉。瓷器,劃花,青花款,透明釉江西省景德鎮明代,宣德,宣德款,1426-1435年
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