Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1736-1795
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 113 millimetres Height: 59 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides and everted lip. The bowl has a white body and transparent glaze. There is an apricot tree in blossom, a willow, and a pair of swallows ‘(xing liu chun yen)’ in ‘famille rose’ palette enamel on one side of the bowl, and a poetical inscription in black enamel on the other.
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.874-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384010_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-95 Room 95 label text:PDF 874 Falangcai bowl with swallows and a poemA pair of swallows is shown flying beside a willow and blossoming apricot tree. The word for swallow 燕 yan sounds the same as the word 宴 yan meaning banquet. Hence this design stands for 杏林春宴 (xing lin chun yan ‘Spring Banquet in the Apricot Grove‘). ‘May you enjoy the Spring banquet in the Apricot Grove’ is another way of wishing that you may pass the imperial Confucian examinations successfully as the first celebration party for successful candidates was held in an apricot grove. On the other side, in black enamel is an inscription 玉剪穿花過, 霓裳帶月歸 (yu jian chuan hua guo, ni shang dai yue fu ‘Wings slice through the flowers like jade scissors,Rainbow Skirts were brought back from the moon’). Jade scissors (玉剪) refer to the swallows’ tails. The Tang Emperor Xuanzong visited the moon and witnessed a musical performance. Memorizing the tunes, upon his return to earth, he had his music bureau create a set of melodies called 《霓裳羽衣曲》 (Songs for Rainbow Skirts and Feather Robes). The source of this couplet appears to be a poem by Shen Shixing 申時行 (1535–1614) titled應制題杏梨白燕扇 (Yingzhi ti xingli baiyan shan ‘written by imperial command on a fan painting of apricots and white swallows’). THis poem is included in the Peiwenzhai collection, juan 438. The original poem, where this couplet appears as lines 5-6, is comprised of eight lines with seven characters per line. Here the artist has omitted the first two characters of each line to create a couplet of five- character lines. The seals read 佳麗(jiali ‘beautiful’), 先春(xianchun ‘early spring’) and 旭映 (xu ying ‘dawn glow’). There is a four-character Qianlong mark in a double square in blue enamel on the base. Porcelain with transparent glaze made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, overglaze enamels added in Beijing素瓷器: 江西, 景德鎮燒 製; 北京加琺瑯彩Qing dynasty, blue enamel Qianlong mark and period, AD1736–95 PDF 874琺瑯彩燕子詩文碗柳樹及盛開的杏花樹旁一對燕子正在飛舞。燕子的“燕”字與宴會的“宴”字同音。此圖案象徵“杏林春宴”(意為杏花林中的春日宴會),“願你享受杏林春宴”是祝願學子可以成功通過科舉考試的一種方式,因為及第者們會被邀請在杏花林中舉辦首場慶祝聚會。碗身另一面以墨彩書詩文“玉剪穿花過,霓裳帶月歸”(意為燕尾劃過花朵仿似玉質的剪刀,七彩裙好像自月宮中拿回)。玉剪指代燕尾。傳說唐玄宗拜訪月宮並觀看音樂表演,他記住了曲調,返回人間後,他命宮廷樂師創作了一組樂曲名為《霓裳羽衣曲》(意為七彩裙與羽毛衣之曲)。此聯句源于申時行(1535-1614年)的《應制題杏林白燕扇》(意為奉皇命題寫在繪有白燕及杏樹的扇面上)。此詩收錄於《御定佩文齋詠物詩選》卷四三八。此句出自原詩的第五六句,原詩為七言律詩。匠師在此處去掉了每句的前兩個字,形成了五言聯句。附印文款“佳麗”(意為美麗)、“先春”(意為初春)、“旭映”(意為黎明的光輝)。器底雙方框內署乾隆四字藍料年款。瓷器,江西省景德鎮燒制素瓷,北京加釉上琺瑯彩清代,乾隆,乾隆藍料款,1736-1795年
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 113 millimetres Height: 59 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides and everted lip. The bowl has a white body and transparent glaze. There is an apricot tree in blossom, a willow, and a pair of swallows ‘(xing liu chun yen)’ in ‘famille rose’ palette enamel on one side of the bowl, and a poetical inscription in black enamel on the other.
![图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.874-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00536531_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.874-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384010_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-95 Room 95 label text:PDF 874 Falangcai bowl with swallows and a poemA pair of swallows is shown flying beside a willow and blossoming apricot tree. The word for swallow 燕 yan sounds the same as the word 宴 yan meaning banquet. Hence this design stands for 杏林春宴 (xing lin chun yan ‘Spring Banquet in the Apricot Grove‘). ‘May you enjoy the Spring banquet in the Apricot Grove’ is another way of wishing that you may pass the imperial Confucian examinations successfully as the first celebration party for successful candidates was held in an apricot grove. On the other side, in black enamel is an inscription 玉剪穿花過, 霓裳帶月歸 (yu jian chuan hua guo, ni shang dai yue fu ‘Wings slice through the flowers like jade scissors,Rainbow Skirts were brought back from the moon’). Jade scissors (玉剪) refer to the swallows’ tails. The Tang Emperor Xuanzong visited the moon and witnessed a musical performance. Memorizing the tunes, upon his return to earth, he had his music bureau create a set of melodies called 《霓裳羽衣曲》 (Songs for Rainbow Skirts and Feather Robes). The source of this couplet appears to be a poem by Shen Shixing 申時行 (1535–1614) titled應制題杏梨白燕扇 (Yingzhi ti xingli baiyan shan ‘written by imperial command on a fan painting of apricots and white swallows’). THis poem is included in the Peiwenzhai collection, juan 438. The original poem, where this couplet appears as lines 5-6, is comprised of eight lines with seven characters per line. Here the artist has omitted the first two characters of each line to create a couplet of five- character lines. The seals read 佳麗(jiali ‘beautiful’), 先春(xianchun ‘early spring’) and 旭映 (xu ying ‘dawn glow’). There is a four-character Qianlong mark in a double square in blue enamel on the base. Porcelain with transparent glaze made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, overglaze enamels added in Beijing素瓷器: 江西, 景德鎮燒 製; 北京加琺瑯彩Qing dynasty, blue enamel Qianlong mark and period, AD1736–95 PDF 874琺瑯彩燕子詩文碗柳樹及盛開的杏花樹旁一對燕子正在飛舞。燕子的“燕”字與宴會的“宴”字同音。此圖案象徵“杏林春宴”(意為杏花林中的春日宴會),“願你享受杏林春宴”是祝願學子可以成功通過科舉考試的一種方式,因為及第者們會被邀請在杏花林中舉辦首場慶祝聚會。碗身另一面以墨彩書詩文“玉剪穿花過,霓裳帶月歸”(意為燕尾劃過花朵仿似玉質的剪刀,七彩裙好像自月宮中拿回)。玉剪指代燕尾。傳說唐玄宗拜訪月宮並觀看音樂表演,他記住了曲調,返回人間後,他命宮廷樂師創作了一組樂曲名為《霓裳羽衣曲》(意為七彩裙與羽毛衣之曲)。此聯句源于申時行(1535-1614年)的《應制題杏林白燕扇》(意為奉皇命題寫在繪有白燕及杏樹的扇面上)。此詩收錄於《御定佩文齋詠物詩選》卷四三八。此句出自原詩的第五六句,原詩為七言律詩。匠師在此處去掉了每句的前兩個字,形成了五言聯句。附印文款“佳麗”(意為美麗)、“先春”(意為初春)、“旭映”(意為黎明的光輝)。器底雙方框內署乾隆四字藍料年款。瓷器,江西省景德鎮燒制素瓷,北京加釉上琺瑯彩清代,乾隆,乾隆藍料款,1736-1795年
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