Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1465-1487
Dimensions:Diameter: 146 millimetres Height: 70 millimetres
Porcelain bowl. Underglaze blue with wide band of scrolling hibiscus flowers and leaves between pairs of blue lines on both inside and outside. Floral roundel in centre inside. There is an inscription on the base.
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Chenghua Room 95 label text:PDF A646 ‘Palace’ bowls with musk mallow flowersPorcelain decorators at the imperial kilns painted the cobalt blue motifs in smooth washes of varying thickness, creating scrolling flower and leaf designs. The cobalt is finely pulverised and evenly applied, in contrast to the fourteenth and early fifteenth century when unevenly ground cobalt fired black in some areas and pale blue in others. This bowl is painted with a design of four musk mallow flowers, recognised by their trumpeting flowers with five petals and jagged edge leaves. The design is archaistic having first appeared on blue-and-white porcelain in the Yongle era (AD1403–24). There are two slightly different versions of this pattern extant. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Chenghua mark and period, AD1465–87 PDF A646 錦葵花紋宮碗御窯的瓷器畫師用濃淡不同的鈷藍料嫻熟流暢地描繪裝飾,主題為纏枝花葉紋。鈷料研磨細致,施用均勻,和十四十五世紀形成對比,那時的鈷料研磨不均勻,有的地方燒為黑色,有的地方則為淡藍。本瓷碗繪以錦葵花紋,分為五瓣形似喇叭,葉子邊緣參差如鋸齒,可以辨識。這種花紋為慕古式樣,在永樂時期(1403–1424)的青花瓷器上首見。此圖案現存有兩種稍為不同的樣式。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,成化, 成化款,1465-1487年
Dimensions:Diameter: 146 millimetres Height: 70 millimetres
Porcelain bowl. Underglaze blue with wide band of scrolling hibiscus flowers and leaves between pairs of blue lines on both inside and outside. Floral roundel in centre inside. There is an inscription on the base.
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Chenghua Room 95 label text:PDF A646 ‘Palace’ bowls with musk mallow flowersPorcelain decorators at the imperial kilns painted the cobalt blue motifs in smooth washes of varying thickness, creating scrolling flower and leaf designs. The cobalt is finely pulverised and evenly applied, in contrast to the fourteenth and early fifteenth century when unevenly ground cobalt fired black in some areas and pale blue in others. This bowl is painted with a design of four musk mallow flowers, recognised by their trumpeting flowers with five petals and jagged edge leaves. The design is archaistic having first appeared on blue-and-white porcelain in the Yongle era (AD1403–24). There are two slightly different versions of this pattern extant. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Chenghua mark and period, AD1465–87 PDF A646 錦葵花紋宮碗御窯的瓷器畫師用濃淡不同的鈷藍料嫻熟流暢地描繪裝飾,主題為纏枝花葉紋。鈷料研磨細致,施用均勻,和十四十五世紀形成對比,那時的鈷料研磨不均勻,有的地方燒為黑色,有的地方則為淡藍。本瓷碗繪以錦葵花紋,分為五瓣形似喇叭,葉子邊緣參差如鋸齒,可以辨識。這種花紋為慕古式樣,在永樂時期(1403–1424)的青花瓷器上首見。此圖案現存有兩種稍為不同的樣式。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,成化, 成化款,1465-1487年
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