bottle BM-PDF.601

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1425

Dimensions:Height: 340 millimetres

Porcelain bottle vase of yuhuchun form, with a pear-shaped body, narrow neck and flaring mouth rim. There is a band of lingzhi fungi in underglaze blue below the mouth rim, plantain leaves and lotus flowers in underglaze blue on the neck, and lily plants with a butterfly in underglaze blue on the body. The base is glazed.
图片[1]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[2]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[3]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[4]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[5]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[6]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[7]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive 图片[8]-bottle BM-PDF.601-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming early 15th century Room 95 label text:PDF 601 Bottle with butterflies and dayliliesPotters painted flowering daylily plants on either side of this pear-shaped 玉壺春瓶yuhuchun ping each with a butterfly hovering above. In China, heavily-perfumed lilies traditionally symbolise harmony and unity. Their naturalistic depiction here is influenced by ink and colour small-format paintings. The design is extremely rare among surviving Chinese porcelains and very skilfully executed. Each blade-like leaf and the petal edges are outlined with a denser blue and in filled with a paler blue wash. Similarly gradations of blue are achieved in the depiction of the butterfly. This extraordinarily accomplished control of the underglaze cobalt pigment is a characteristic of the finest Yongle blue-and-white wares.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF 601萱草蝶紋瓶陶工們在梨形玉壺春瓶的兩面分飾萱草花,各有一隻蝴蝶盤旋於花叢之上。在中國,大朵芬芳的百合花象徵著和諧與統一。這樣自然寫實的筆觸受到了水墨圖畫小品的影響。存世中國瓷器中,技藝嫺熟如此瓶圖案者極為罕有。每一片如刀鋒般的葉子及花瓣邊緣都以濃重藍色勾勒,內部則以淺藍塗抹。類似的漸變藍色也同樣施用於蝴蝶的描繪。這種對釉下鈷元素的非凡熟練的控制,是最高品質永樂青花器物的特色。元代及明洪武時期的青花瓷瓶以繁復密集的裝飾紋樣為特點,至永樂,由於白瓷胎品質的進一步改進,窯工們得以發展出一種創新的紋樣裝飾風格,將純粹而濃艷的青花鈷藍色在雪白而微閃青色的瓷胎上充分表現出來,使艷藍純白形成了強烈的視覺對比效果。永樂青花瓷器因之被稱為中國陶瓷史上最精美的青花瓷,這種史無前例的光潔細潤的釉面效果和品質,一直是後世不斷競相模仿卻永遠無法企及的。永樂的窯工們使用進口鈷藍料,經火燒呈色不均,呈現出色階變化豐富的藍色,由淺灰藍至接近黑色的深藍。這件作品也代表了用了青花紋飾的最高品質和水平,它們的構圖受到了15世紀同時期宮廷畫作的啟發,特別是一些非常緊湊的繪畫形式例如扇面或冊頁上所看到的,優雅不凡。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403-1424年
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