Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1424
Dimensions:Diameter: 186 millimetres Height: 335 millimetres
Porcelain bottle of yuhuchun ping form with flaring mouth rim. Underglaze blue with two song birds on a flowering prunus branch. Bands of scrolling flowers and scrolls on neck. Ruyi heads just below mouth rim, squared spirals on the foot and plantain leaves rising from the base.
![图片[7]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387107_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming early 15th century Room 95 label text:PDF A614Blue-and-white bottle with a pair of birds Following the earlier Yuan tradition, the decoration of this 玉壺春瓶 (yuhuchun ping ‘bottle’) is divided into horizontal bands with the most important scene around the centre. It is beautifully painted with two birds turning towards each other, perched on a flowering prunus branch which encircles its sides. Craftsmen used imported cobalt which fired unevenly, giving shades of blue ranging from pale blue to almost black, resulting in a “heaped and piled” effect. There are dense areas, lightly applied areas and parts such as the birds tummies left white with just a blue outline.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF A614青花對鳥紋玉壺春瓶這件玉壺春瓶的裝飾源自之前的元代傳統,分為幾個水平花紋帶,最重要的紋飾在中部。精美地繪以正在開花的梅枝環繞瓶腹,枝上立雙鳥相顧。工匠們使用進口鈷料,火燒后呈色不均勻,呈現色階變化的藍色,從灰藍到接近黑色的深藍,形成所謂的“堆聚”效果(鐵銹斑結晶)。紋飾有的部位密集,有的部位輕淡,有的部位如鳥腹則留白,僅用藍色輪廓線描繪。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403–1424年
Dimensions:Diameter: 186 millimetres Height: 335 millimetres
Porcelain bottle of yuhuchun ping form with flaring mouth rim. Underglaze blue with two song birds on a flowering prunus branch. Bands of scrolling flowers and scrolls on neck. Ruyi heads just below mouth rim, squared spirals on the foot and plantain leaves rising from the base.
![图片[1]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00442847_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00442854_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00442855_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00442856_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00536527_001.jpg)
![图片[6]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00442844_001.jpg)
![图片[7]-bottle BM-PDF-A.614-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387107_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming early 15th century Room 95 label text:PDF A614Blue-and-white bottle with a pair of birds Following the earlier Yuan tradition, the decoration of this 玉壺春瓶 (yuhuchun ping ‘bottle’) is divided into horizontal bands with the most important scene around the centre. It is beautifully painted with two birds turning towards each other, perched on a flowering prunus branch which encircles its sides. Craftsmen used imported cobalt which fired unevenly, giving shades of blue ranging from pale blue to almost black, resulting in a “heaped and piled” effect. There are dense areas, lightly applied areas and parts such as the birds tummies left white with just a blue outline.Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF A614青花對鳥紋玉壺春瓶這件玉壺春瓶的裝飾源自之前的元代傳統,分為幾個水平花紋帶,最重要的紋飾在中部。精美地繪以正在開花的梅枝環繞瓶腹,枝上立雙鳥相顧。工匠們使用進口鈷料,火燒后呈色不均勻,呈現色階變化的藍色,從灰藍到接近黑色的深藍,形成所謂的“堆聚”效果(鐵銹斑結晶)。紋飾有的部位密集,有的部位輕淡,有的部位如鳥腹則留白,僅用藍色輪廓線描繪。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403–1424年
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