Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1450-1620
Dimensions:Height: 174 millimetres
Cizhou-type stoneware model of a bell. The model has transparent glaze. There are the Eight Trigrams and their corresponding characters applied on the body.
![图片[3]-bell; model BM-PDF.135-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00851771_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Room 95 label text:PDF 135Model of a bellThis stoneware model of a bell has the design inked onto the bell beneath the glaze. The glaze does not fit to the body well and much of it has been lost. It is decorated with a design of Eight Trigrams and their corresponding characters. The handle is modelled as a bear. The Eight Trigrams are arguably the most familiar symbols associated with Daoism. Trigrams, which are made up of combinations of three broken and unbroken parallel lines are the basis for the sixty-four hexagrams of the 易經 (Yijing ‘Book of Changes’). The sixty-four hexagrams are interpreted to make sense of the world, its history and its future. The eight trigrams are captioned with their names: 乾 Qian “Heaven;” 巽 Xun “Wind;” 坎Kan, “Water;” 艮Gen, “Mountain;” 坤Kun “Earth,” 震 Zhen “Thunder,” 離 Li, “Fire;” and 兌 Dui, “Lake.” Margaret Medley (AD 1918–2000) noted that the bell was excavated under Japanese supervision in what is now Liaoning province. Stoneware with inked design, moulded and incised decoration, slip and a transparent glazePossibly Liaoning province 遼寧省Ming dynasty, about AD 1450–1620 PDF 135白釉鐘此鐘模制,釉下有墨彩圖案。胎釉結合不好,釉面多有剝落,裝飾八卦紋及相關文字,提手呈熊形。八卦或許是道教最為人熟知的符號。卦象以三條或連或斷的平行線組成,《易經》中的六十四卦象也是以此發展而來。卦象能夠解讀古代對世界過去、現在以及未來的理解。八卦即乾(天)、巽(風)、坎(水)、艮(山)、震(雷)、坤(地)、離(火)、兌(湖)。瑪格麗特•麥德利(Margaret Medley,1918-2000年)指出,此鐘出土于曾被日軍佔領過的今遼寧省。炻器,墨彩,模制,劃花,帶化妝土,透明釉可能是遼寧省明代,約1450-1620年
Dimensions:Height: 174 millimetres
Cizhou-type stoneware model of a bell. The model has transparent glaze. There are the Eight Trigrams and their corresponding characters applied on the body.
![图片[1]-bell; model BM-PDF.135-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00569525_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bell; model BM-PDF.135-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00569526_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-bell; model BM-PDF.135-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00851771_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Room 95 label text:PDF 135Model of a bellThis stoneware model of a bell has the design inked onto the bell beneath the glaze. The glaze does not fit to the body well and much of it has been lost. It is decorated with a design of Eight Trigrams and their corresponding characters. The handle is modelled as a bear. The Eight Trigrams are arguably the most familiar symbols associated with Daoism. Trigrams, which are made up of combinations of three broken and unbroken parallel lines are the basis for the sixty-four hexagrams of the 易經 (Yijing ‘Book of Changes’). The sixty-four hexagrams are interpreted to make sense of the world, its history and its future. The eight trigrams are captioned with their names: 乾 Qian “Heaven;” 巽 Xun “Wind;” 坎Kan, “Water;” 艮Gen, “Mountain;” 坤Kun “Earth,” 震 Zhen “Thunder,” 離 Li, “Fire;” and 兌 Dui, “Lake.” Margaret Medley (AD 1918–2000) noted that the bell was excavated under Japanese supervision in what is now Liaoning province. Stoneware with inked design, moulded and incised decoration, slip and a transparent glazePossibly Liaoning province 遼寧省Ming dynasty, about AD 1450–1620 PDF 135白釉鐘此鐘模制,釉下有墨彩圖案。胎釉結合不好,釉面多有剝落,裝飾八卦紋及相關文字,提手呈熊形。八卦或許是道教最為人熟知的符號。卦象以三條或連或斷的平行線組成,《易經》中的六十四卦象也是以此發展而來。卦象能夠解讀古代對世界過去、現在以及未來的理解。八卦即乾(天)、巽(風)、坎(水)、艮(山)、震(雷)、坤(地)、離(火)、兌(湖)。瑪格麗特•麥德利(Margaret Medley,1918-2000年)指出,此鐘出土于曾被日軍佔領過的今遼寧省。炻器,墨彩,模制,劃花,帶化妝土,透明釉可能是遼寧省明代,約1450-1620年
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