Period:Tang dynasty Production date:8thC
Materials:silk, gold, 絲綢 (Chinese), 黃金 (Chinese),
Technique:painted, woven, tapestry, 彩繪 (Chinese), 織造 (Chinese), 緙織 (Chinese),
Subjects:bird,flower 鳥 (Chinese) 花 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 22.80 centimetres Width: 22.80 centimetres
These three fragments from a banner comprise a head and two pieces of lining. The banner head is made of plain woven silk with tapestry woven borders. The interior triangular piece, 10.2 cm high and 16.1 cm wide, is painted with a floral pattern on plain woven silk: a large central flower and three other flowers in the corners, on a blue ground. The top part of banner panel remains, 4.2 cm high, mainly consisting of a painted valance in strips of orange and red, with narrow lines in between. The silk tapestry border, 2.7 cm wide, has a pattern of four green petal-rosettes and four buds arranged in staggered rows, each enclosing a standing bird. Each roundel is 4.3 cm in height. Gold strips backed with paper are woven in the centre of the petals and form the outlines of the buds. A reddish orange textile, about 4.5 cm high, is sewn to the top of the banner as a suspension loop. The pattern of floral roundels enclosing standing birds found in silk may be identified as ‘the Duke of Lingyang Style’. The Tang dynasty scholar Zhang Yanyuan in his treatise Lidai minghua ji (Records of Famous Paintings) noted that Duke of Lingyang was a native of Sichuan province and an official of the early Tang, who became well-known for his designs for tribute textiles, hence the name ‘Duke of Lingyang Style’. The two other fabrics (MAS.905.b, MAS.905.c) are both of dark brown plain weave and were used as linings for the head and for the banner. Weave structures: a-1. Silk plain weave painted with floral pattern Warp: silk, untwisted, single, undyed, 56 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, single, undyed, 45 lats/cm. Weave structure: 1/1 plain weave. a-2. Silk tapestry with roundels Warp: silk, Z-2S ply, single,white, 21 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, single, red, yellow, white, blue, green, brown and yellowish brown etc., c.86 lats/cm; gold strip. Weave structure: 1/1 plain weave with discontinuous wefts. 幡的殘片,共三片,其中一塊爲幡正面(MAS.905.a),另兩塊褐色絹織物(MAS.905.b, MAS.905.c)則均作襯裏之用。該幡的幡面及幡身部分由同一片本色絹製成,三角形幡面高10.2cm,寬16.1cm,以藍色做地,中心繪一大朵花卉紋樣,三角則各裝飾有一朵小花;殘留的幡身高約4.2cm,以紅、橙兩種顔色爲主色繪出直條形的帷幔圖案,幡面與幡身間繪一條墨線以示區別;幡頭兩側以寬2.7cm的紅地團窠立鳥紋緙絲織物包邊,團窠高4.3cm,寬2.7cm,圖案中心爲一立鳥紋樣,四周裝飾有四片綠色花瓣及四朵花蕾,花瓣中心及花蕾邊緣以片金線緙織而成,團窠採用二二錯排,上下兩團窠中的立鳥朝向不同,不同團窠中立鳥及其背景顔色常有變化。在幡頭上端釘有一長約4.5cm的橙紅色絹制袢扣。 這件緙絲團窠立鳥圖案應該屬於唐代的陵陽公樣。張彥遠《歷代名畫記》載:竇師綸,“性巧絕,草創之際,乘輿皆闕,敕兼益州大行台檢校修造,凡創瑞錦宮綾,章彩奇麗,蜀人至今謂之陵陽公樣。……高祖、太宗時,內庫瑞錦對雉、鬥羊、翔鳳、遊麟之狀,創自師綸,至今傳之。”這段文字告訴我們:竇師綸在唐初曾爲蜀地設計上貢錦綾圖案,並形成一定的風格,被稱爲“陵陽公樣”,這種圖案一直到大中初年(847年)仍能見到。 組織結構: a-1. 彩繪絹幡身 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,本色,56根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,本色,45根/cm;組織:1/1平紋。 a-2. 紅地團窠立鳥紋緙絲幡頭斜邊 經線:絲,兩根S撚以Z撚併合,單根排列,白色,21根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,紅、黃、白、藍、綠、褐、土黃等色,約86根/cm;組織:1/1平紋,通經斷緯。
![图片[5]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_RRC7187.jpg)
Materials:silk, gold, 絲綢 (Chinese), 黃金 (Chinese),
Technique:painted, woven, tapestry, 彩繪 (Chinese), 織造 (Chinese), 緙織 (Chinese),
Subjects:bird,flower 鳥 (Chinese) 花 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 22.80 centimetres Width: 22.80 centimetres
These three fragments from a banner comprise a head and two pieces of lining. The banner head is made of plain woven silk with tapestry woven borders. The interior triangular piece, 10.2 cm high and 16.1 cm wide, is painted with a floral pattern on plain woven silk: a large central flower and three other flowers in the corners, on a blue ground. The top part of banner panel remains, 4.2 cm high, mainly consisting of a painted valance in strips of orange and red, with narrow lines in between. The silk tapestry border, 2.7 cm wide, has a pattern of four green petal-rosettes and four buds arranged in staggered rows, each enclosing a standing bird. Each roundel is 4.3 cm in height. Gold strips backed with paper are woven in the centre of the petals and form the outlines of the buds. A reddish orange textile, about 4.5 cm high, is sewn to the top of the banner as a suspension loop. The pattern of floral roundels enclosing standing birds found in silk may be identified as ‘the Duke of Lingyang Style’. The Tang dynasty scholar Zhang Yanyuan in his treatise Lidai minghua ji (Records of Famous Paintings) noted that Duke of Lingyang was a native of Sichuan province and an official of the early Tang, who became well-known for his designs for tribute textiles, hence the name ‘Duke of Lingyang Style’. The two other fabrics (MAS.905.b, MAS.905.c) are both of dark brown plain weave and were used as linings for the head and for the banner. Weave structures: a-1. Silk plain weave painted with floral pattern Warp: silk, untwisted, single, undyed, 56 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, single, undyed, 45 lats/cm. Weave structure: 1/1 plain weave. a-2. Silk tapestry with roundels Warp: silk, Z-2S ply, single,white, 21 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, single, red, yellow, white, blue, green, brown and yellowish brown etc., c.86 lats/cm; gold strip. Weave structure: 1/1 plain weave with discontinuous wefts. 幡的殘片,共三片,其中一塊爲幡正面(MAS.905.a),另兩塊褐色絹織物(MAS.905.b, MAS.905.c)則均作襯裏之用。該幡的幡面及幡身部分由同一片本色絹製成,三角形幡面高10.2cm,寬16.1cm,以藍色做地,中心繪一大朵花卉紋樣,三角則各裝飾有一朵小花;殘留的幡身高約4.2cm,以紅、橙兩種顔色爲主色繪出直條形的帷幔圖案,幡面與幡身間繪一條墨線以示區別;幡頭兩側以寬2.7cm的紅地團窠立鳥紋緙絲織物包邊,團窠高4.3cm,寬2.7cm,圖案中心爲一立鳥紋樣,四周裝飾有四片綠色花瓣及四朵花蕾,花瓣中心及花蕾邊緣以片金線緙織而成,團窠採用二二錯排,上下兩團窠中的立鳥朝向不同,不同團窠中立鳥及其背景顔色常有變化。在幡頭上端釘有一長約4.5cm的橙紅色絹制袢扣。 這件緙絲團窠立鳥圖案應該屬於唐代的陵陽公樣。張彥遠《歷代名畫記》載:竇師綸,“性巧絕,草創之際,乘輿皆闕,敕兼益州大行台檢校修造,凡創瑞錦宮綾,章彩奇麗,蜀人至今謂之陵陽公樣。……高祖、太宗時,內庫瑞錦對雉、鬥羊、翔鳳、遊麟之狀,創自師綸,至今傳之。”這段文字告訴我們:竇師綸在唐初曾爲蜀地設計上貢錦綾圖案,並形成一定的風格,被稱爲“陵陽公樣”,這種圖案一直到大中初年(847年)仍能見到。 組織結構: a-1. 彩繪絹幡身 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,本色,56根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,本色,45根/cm;組織:1/1平紋。 a-2. 紅地團窠立鳥紋緙絲幡頭斜邊 經線:絲,兩根S撚以Z撚併合,單根排列,白色,21根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,紅、黃、白、藍、綠、褐、土黃等色,約86根/cm;組織:1/1平紋,通經斷緯。
![图片[1]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_00009377_002.jpg)
![图片[2]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_00009378_002.jpg)
![图片[3]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/00154061_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/00154062_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-banner; textile; 幡(Chinese); 紡織品(Chinese) BM-MAS.905.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_RRC7187.jpg)
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