axe BM-2022-3034.247

Period:Neolithic Period Production date:4000BC-2000BC
Technique:bevelled, polished, drilled,

Dimensions:Length: 11.80 centimetres Width: 9.80 centimetres

Axe of opaque greyish-green stone with soft polish. The broad flat axe flaring towards the curved bevelled cutting edge reveals the different shades of the layered material.
图片[1]-axe BM-2022-3034.247-China Archive

Comments:This axe makes exceptionally good use of the stone. Its approximately trapezoidal shape is mirrored in the layering of the stone, which must have been carefully calculated by the carver. Cutting across the series of layers, which are revealed as lying one inside the other by the method of carving, are flaws. A comparable stone is employed for an axe from Jiangsu Kunshan Shaoqinshan. The maker of this axe planned his work so that the pattern falls almost symmetrically within it. The sides of the present blade slope outwards slightly; the cutting edge is gently curved, and then the axe is strongly bevelled beyond this to emphasise the layering of the stone. Rounded shoulders and a flat butt are fully smoothed down. The central hole is drilled from both sides and shows the remains of a slightly rough ridge. Strong, simple axes of unusual stones are found in the Songze and Dawenkou cultures, though they also survived later into the Liangzhu period. The shape of the axe can be compared with that of an axe from Beiyinyangying near Nanjing. See Rawson 1995, p.172, The butt end has been polished smooth and rounded at the corners and a biconical perforation displays drilling grooves and an uneven ridge in the aperture. Neolithic/Shang. Length 117mm width 100mm.
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